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于 2009-06-12 发布 文件大小:1KB
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说明:  Modify the Matlab Gauss Elimination routine given in lectures so that it (a) performs implicit complete pivoting, and (b) handles m right hand sides at once by performing an LU decomposition of the matrix A first and then doing forward substitution and back substitution (hence not modifying the right hand side as the elimination is perfomed). Test your program and then run it on the system AX = B(Modify the Matlab Gauss Elimination routine given in lectures so that it (a) performs implicit complete pivoting, and (b) handles m right hand sides at once by performing an LU decomposition of the matrix A first and then doing forward substitution and back substitution ( hence not modifying the right hand side as the elimination is perfomed). Test your program and then run it on the system AX = B)



0 个回复

  • 3rd-harmonic
    在进行谐波抑制过程中,往往用指定次谐波算法来完成,该代码为3次谐波算法。(In process of harmonic suppression, often with a specified harmonic algorithm to complete, the code for three times harmonic algorithm. )
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  • Wang_Transform
    小波 王变换——matlab 程序实现。(Wang transform- matlab program.)
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  • Downloads
    this contains pdf file to learn more about the lyapunov exponent & bifurcation diagram of the chaotic system.
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  • matlab
    madlab c++ 接口,Madlab的一本很好的书(madlab c++ interface, Madlab)
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  • fengseng_v58
    插值与拟合的matlab实现,计算两个矩阵之间的欧氏距离,这个有中文注释,看得明白。( Interpolation and fitting matlab implementation, Calculation of the Euclidean distance between the two matrices, The Chinese have a comment, understand it.)
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  • arm_basic
    PID控制器 matlab源码,很基础的一些东西(PID controller matlab source, it is based on something)
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  • Fuzzyclustering
    模糊聚类;涉及事物之间的模糊界限时按一定要求对事物进行分类的数学方法。聚类分析是数理统计中的一种多元分析方法,它是用数学方法定量地确定样本的亲疏关系,从而客观地划分类型。事物之间的界限,有些是确切的,有些则是模糊的。例如人群中的面貌相像程度之间的界限是模糊的,天气阴、晴之间的界限也是模糊的。当聚类涉及事物之间的模糊界限时,需运用模糊聚类分析方法。模糊聚类分析广泛应用在气象预报、地质、农业、林业等方面。通常把被聚类的事物称为样本,将被聚类的一组事物称为样本集。模糊聚类分析有两种基本方法:系统聚类法和逐步聚类法。 (Fuzzy clustering )
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  • heun
    matlab programming..........................
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