摘要:提出了一种新型的人工免疫算法用来解决多目标函数优化问题。基于自然免疫系统固有的优良特性对算法进行了设计和分析。 最后,算法对3个较复杂的多目标问题进行了优化,优化结果能很好地覆盖问题的Pareto最优面,并且把算法与某些混合遗传算法进行 了对比实验,表明人工免疫算法在解决多目标优化问题上具有可观的研究前景。 (Abstract:In order to effectively solve multiobjective optimization problems, a novel artificial immune algorithm is proposed. It is de signed and analyzed based on excellent intrinsic features of nature immune systems. Additionally, the algorithm sensitivity to its tuning pa rameters is briefly assessed. Finally, the algorithm is applied to solve three complex multiobjective optimization problems and the results ca perfectly map the Pareto-optimal fronts. By comparing the algorithm with some genetic algorithms, it shows the good prospect to apply ar tificial immune system to solve multiobjective optimization problems. )