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于 2010-01-08 发布 文件大小:12KB
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  matlab 的RLS代码,用于可适应滤波器的回声消除功能(matlab for RLS code can be adapted to filter for echo cancellation functionality)





0 个回复

  • TSP
    matlab的在离散方式的图像缩放MATLAB 的名称源自 Matrix Laboratory ,由美国MathWorks公司推出。它是一种科学计算软件,专门以矩阵的形式处理数据。 MATLAB 将高性能的数值计算和可视化集成在一起,构成了一个方便的、界面友好的用户环境,并提供了大量的内置函数。(matlab in discrete forms of image scaling MATLAB name from Matrix Laboratory, launched by the United States MathWorks. It is a scientific computing software, specifically the form of matrix data processing. MATLAB will be high-performance numerical computation and visualization integrated together, constitute a convenient, user-friendly user environment and provide a large number of built-in functions.)
    2008-06-30 22:34:30下载
  • LDPC
    说明:  低密度奇偶校验码(LDPC)的matlab仿真(Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) of matlab simulation)
    2010-04-09 21:09:53下载
  • 03041507
    在某初教机的线性模型基础上,建立了飞机的纵向和横向传递函数,分析了模型参数的不确定性,通过使用MATLAB中的NCD模块对飞行控制系统及PID控制器等参数进行优化,设计出了飞机的自动驾驶仪高度保持和航向保持模式。这种方法既避免了复杂的计算和编程,又使系统具有较好的稳定,陛、动态性能和鲁棒性,克服了飞机模型参数随着高度和速度的变化(即模型参数存在不确定性)而需要按照多个不同高度和速度的飞行区域设计一系列控制器的缺点(early in a plane of the linear model, based on the aircraft's vertical and horizontal transfer function, Analysis of the model parameters of uncertainty, MATLAB through the use of the NCD Blocks flight control system and PID controller parameters for optimization, design of the aircraft's automatic pilot systems, and maintain a high degree course-keeping mode. This method not only avoids the complex calculation and programming, the system has good stability, Her Majesty, dynamic performance and robustness. overcome the aircraft model parameters with the height and speed of change (that model parameters uncertainty exists) and the need to not more than with the height and speed of regional flight controller design a series of shortcomings)
    2007-05-12 09:58:13下载
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  • QPSK_sfun
    QPSK Modulation and Demodulation with AWGN , Performance comparision against on BER / EB/NO ratio.
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  • manual
    这是matlab用户手册,对于初学者很有益,里面涉及到各个方面,很有价值的参考资料。(This is a matlab user manual, very useful for beginners, which relate to various aspects valuable reference.)
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  • 00017
    主要基于Matlab平台开发的,特征提取仿真程序,主要用于生理信号的特征提取。(Mainly developed based on Matlab platform, feature extraction simulation program, mainly for physiological signal feature extraction.)
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  • kalman
    自己编写的kalman最优化递归算法的滤波器实例程序,每一步都做了详细的标注,并且附上了与程序对应的kalman算法的介绍与讲解。(I have written to optimize recursive algorithm kalman filter example programs, each step in detail in the label, and attach the corresponding kalman algorithm and procedures are introduced and explained.)
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