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于 2010-01-07 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  Function used by PSOLA speech modification technique. Finds exact point of pitch pulses in speech.



0 个回复

  • matlab-biaozhuziti
    介绍了matlab坐标轴标注方法和设置特殊字体的方法(Matlab axis label describes the methods and ways to set a special font)
    2011-09-27 13:05:49下载
  • EvaluationDescriptor
    Evaluation Descriptor
    2012-11-06 10:23:27下载
  • chengxu
    小波变换进行变速箱故障诊断 首先将s1和s2信号时域谱(s1代表维修前的振动信号,s2代表维修后的振动信号),画出来进行对比,会发现s1信号的振动幅值会比较高;然后对s1和s2分别进行小波分解并画出各层的时域谱,只对比s1和s2分后的最高时域谱,s2更加的具有周期性,且幅值较小,s2周期性不够明显,且振动过于密集。分析完时域谱后开始分析频谱,首先对原信号s1和s2fft转换,得到频谱图,如图,然后再对小波分析后高频部分进行fft转换,做出频谱图。对比后我们发现,在f 2375HZ出(也就是齿轮的啮合频率),s1信号频谱幅值会有急剧的升高,然后,其谐波的幅值也会增大。所以可以推断出该维修前的增速箱的齿轮可能出现问题。(Gearbox fault diagnosis based on wavelet transform s1 and s2 first time domain signal spectrum (s1 behalf of the vibration signal before maintenance, vibration signal s2 representative of repaired), drawn comparison, you will find a signal s1 vibration amplitude will be higher then s1 and s2 respectively wavelet decomposition and draw the layers of time-domain spectrum to only a maximum time domain spectroscopy s1 and s2 points after, s2 is more cyclical and smaller magnitude, s2 cyclical enough obviously, and the vibration is too dense. End domain spectral analysis after the beginning of the spectrum analysis, the first of the original signal s1 and s2fft conversion to give the spectrum, as shown, and then after the high frequency part of wavelet analysis fft transformation to make spectrum. We found that after the comparison, at f 2375HZ out (i.e. the gear mesh frequency), there will be a sharp increase in the amplitude spectrum of the signal s1, and then, the amplitude of the ha)
    2017-01-17 19:18:02下载
    限制玻尔兹曼机和深度信念网络的matlab代码,有具体例子(matlab code Restricted Boltzmann machine and Deep Belief networks, with specific examples)
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  • 2
    说明:  matl lab programing using contolsustem
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  • ourdev_421991
    四旋翼飞行器自稳控制代码四旋翼飞行器自稳控制代码(4 Aerial Vehicle Stability control code 4 from the homeostatic control code Aerial Vehicle)
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    LTE PUCCH source code(LTE uplink control channel)
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  • signal_analyzer
    用Matlab来进行信号分析。源码及说明都有。(Carried out using Matlab signal analysis. Both source and description.)
    2009-10-09 12:09:33下载
  • The-effect-of-aliasing
    MATLAB中的混叠的效果代码,其中包含:时域的混叠效果;频域的混叠效果(The effect of aliasing the MATLAB code, which includes: a time domain aliasing effects frequency domain aliasing effects)
    2020-09-03 10:08:09下载
  • xiaobo
    该程序是对声音信号的滤波,采用的是小拨变换滤波,最后画出波形,希望对大家有用(The program is a voice signal filtering, using a small dial transform filtering, the final draw waveform, in the hope that useful)
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