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于 2009-06-03 发布 文件大小:7967KB
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  旅转机械故障机理及诊断方面的专业书籍,是全面掌握机械故障诊断很全面的方面的书(Journey to the mechanism of mechanical failure and diagnostics, professional books, is a comprehensive diagnosis of mechanical failure have very comprehensive books)



0 个回复

  • cdt2000-all
    这是一个不错的资料是关于cdt2000模块的资料可以通过资料查询很多关于这个模块的知识(This is a good information regarding cdt2000 module information through data queries can be a lot of knowledge on this module)
    2010-02-02 18:08:25下载
  • ants
    matlab中的蚂蚁算法又叫蚁群算法。主要解决函数优化,寻最优值问题(In matlab ,the ants can revolosion the problem about chath the rightes answer .)
    2010-05-22 10:37:42下载
  • Ch4figs
    阵列处理第四章 源代码 matlab code(array processing matlab code)
    2012-04-27 09:08:36下载
  • The-use-of-fuzzy-logic-toolbox
    MABLAB中模糊逻辑工具箱的使用实例源代码(The use of fuzzy logic toolbox)
    2012-05-23 15:46:27下载
  • LogMap
    Simulation of the Logistic map n is the number of the simulated points. x is the simulated time series. a is the parameter.
    2014-12-13 02:43:21下载
  • matlab34214
    求序列向量xn的傅里叶变换和离散傅里叶变换并画出它们的幅频特性和相频特性曲线,验证离散傅里叶变换是傅里叶变换的等间隔采样,验证IDFT和DFT的唯一性(Find the Fourier transform of the sequence xn vector and the discrete Fourier transform and draw their amplitude-frequency characteristic and phase-frequency characteristic curve, verify the discrete Fourier transform is the Fourier transform of equally spaced sampling, verification of IDFT and DFT Uniqueness)
    2013-05-25 23:34:26下载
  • matlabEcg01
    说明:  关于心电信号的仿真模型,包括滤波、平滑等信号处理(On the ECG of the simulation model, including filtering, smoothing and other signal processing)
    2020-09-09 18:58:01下载
  • GAF_routing_algorithm
    利用MATLAB工具对GAF地理位置路由算法进行仿真,其中底层路由方式采用了GPSR算法。(MATLAB tool to simulate the the GAF location routing algorithm, where the underlying routing using GPSR algorithm.)
    2012-06-08 23:07:45下载
  • yyuyutrtete
    文件中为关于MATLAB的界面设计程序,具体内容如下:曲线转换按钮,栅格控制按钮,编辑框的使用,弹出式菜单,编辑框的使用,滑标的使用,多选菜单,菜单控制的使用,UIMENU菜单的应用,等等.很有使用价值(documents for MATLAB on the interface design process, as follows : curve conversion button, Grid control button, edit box use, pop-up menus, edit box use, the subject of the use of sliding more election menu menu to control the use of UIMENU menu, and so on. very useful)
    2007-06-12 20:14:04下载
  • tuxiang-huadong
    matlab程序,对图像做选取3*3矩阵的8邻域与中心特征值的像素差,然后按照不同的方式滑动(matlab program, the selected pixels of the image to make the neighborhood and the center differential 8 eigenvalues ​ ​ 3* 3 matrix, and then slide in different ways)
    2013-12-05 15:23:52下载
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