1、 通过指定的的密码进入成绩管理系统. 2、 该系统实现学员成绩管理,每个学员包括3门课的成绩,从键盘输入学员信息。 3、 包括学号、姓名、英语,C语言,数学三门课成绩,计算出学员的平均成绩,按照学员平均成绩由大到小排序。 4、 插入功能:在排序后的学员成绩表中插入一个学员的信息,要求插入后仍然保持成绩表有序。 5、 删除功能:要求输入指定的学号,从学员信息表中删除该学员,删除后的成绩表保持有序。 (1, by specifying a password to enter the results of the management system. 2, the performance management system training, each student, including three classes of results, students from the keyboard input information. 3, including the school number, name, English, C language, mathematics lesson three results to calculate the average student, average student performance in accordance with descending order. 4, insert the functions: students in sorting results after inserting a table of information students require to insert after the results remained orderly. 5, delete functions: the school designated for the importation of number, information from the students table to delete the participants, the results after the deletion of maintaining orderly.)