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  VC++做的学校收费管理系统 提高高校收费工作的工作效率,减少工作可能出现的错误(ChargeManage)



0 个回复

  • store_manager
    这是一个库存管理系统,1.使用SQL Server建立数据库和表以及相应的视图; 2.使用Visual C++建立基于对话框模型的工程框架 3.依次创建各表的类,用来操作表数据 4.创建用户登陆模块,实现基本的登录和退出功能 5.创建客户管理模块,实现对客户信息的编辑和管理功能 6.创建仓库管理模块,实现对仓库信息的编辑和管理功能 7.创建产品管理模块,实现对产品类别和信息的编辑和管理功能 8.创建操作管理模块,实现对仓库的各种操作的编辑以及管理功能 9.创建统计查询管理模块,实现对产品的出入库统计以及对库存产品流水统计功能 10.创建数量管理模块,实现产品数量报警以及失效报警功能 ()
    2007-07-16 10:26:55下载
  • student.cpp
    输入员工基本信息,和工作时间,系统自动计算员工工资情况(Enter basic information staff, and working hours, the system automatically calculates employee wages)
    2010-12-29 17:33:55下载
  • salary
    职工工资管理程序 (1)职工信息的录入、修改、删除操作; (2)统计学院全体职工的工资总额和平均工资; (3)按部门统计职工的工资总额和平均工资; (4)统计本部门内的职工工资高于学院平均工资的人数,并显示相应职工信息; (5)本部门内的职工工资按从高到低排序; (6)按部门或姓名查询职工的工资。 (Wages Manager (1) employee information input, modify and delete operations (2) School of Statistics, the total wages of all workers and average wages (3) statistics by sector and total wages of workers the average wage (4) Statistics of the departments within the College of the average wage of workers wages higher than the number of people, and display the appropriate employee information (5) the wages of workers within the department, in descending order (6) the department or name query wage workers.)
    2011-07-10 13:04:29下载
  • yaopin
    设计一系统,实现医药公司定期对销售各药品的记录进行统计,可按药品的编号、单价、销售量或销售额做出排名。(Design a system, the realization of pharmaceutical company on a regular basis to update a record of each drug sales statistics, according to the serial number of drugs, unit price, sales or sales rankings.)
    2013-12-14 21:37:36下载
  • ClientRelationship
    客户关系管理系统采用Visual C++ 6.0进行编写,采用SQL数据库。本系统使用于中小型企业,可以使用户从繁重的客户关系管理中解脱出来,通过添加、修改等编辑功能动态地对企业客户关系的相关信息进行编辑。(Customer relationship management system using Visual C++ 6 to write, using SQL . The system is used in small and medium enterprises, it can be used by the user the heavy customer relationship management, through the addition, modification and other editing functions to dynamically edit the relevant information on the enterprise customer relationship.)
    2016-12-12 21:14:41下载
  • 工厂ss
    采购管理、销售管理、仓存管理、存货核算、生产管理、成本管理,帮助企业实现整体管理、动态管理、及时控制、在线管理等。能有效提供满足企业经营决策目标的预测、控制和分析手段,并能有效控制企业成本和经营风险。(procurement management, sales management, warehousing management, inventory accounting, production management, cost management, and help enterprises to achieve overall management and management control in a timely manner, online management. Providing effective business decisions to meet objectives of the forecast, control and analysis tools, and enterprises can effectively control costs and operational risks.)
    2005-03-29 09:31:25下载
  • vb2005moneymanger
    说明:  vb2005个人财务管理工具(access数据库)。实现对财务的管理,修改和删除等常用操作(vb2005 personal financial management tools (access database). Implementation of financial management, modify, and delete operations such as common)
    2010-04-06 22:32:14下载
  • 2
    说明:  企业短信群发管理系统,谢谢大家,希望对您有所帮助(Bulk SMS business management system, thank you, I hope for your help)
    2014-12-05 13:41:22下载
  • PhoneRecord
    本系统是采用visual C++开发的企业电话语音录音管理系统,所用到的数据库是sql server 2005(This system is developed using visual C++ business telephone voice recording management system, the use of the database is sql server 2005)
    2011-07-19 19:08:54下载
  • jinxiaocunguanli
    进销存管理系统,利用Visual C++和SQL语言共同完成的进销存管理软件(Inventory management systems, using Visual C++ and SQL language common to complete the inventory management software)
    2010-05-23 11:45:30下载
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