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于 2010-12-18 发布 文件大小:1246KB
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  XYCMS留言板V1.1是站长花近一个小时时间潜心编写的,现在免费放给大家使用了,由于制作仓促,还没有经过严格测试,后期我也会不断完善的,努力为广大用户服务。 (XYCMS V1.1 is the webmaster message board spent nearly an hour, prepared with great concentration, and now put to you for free use, due to production constraints, have not been rigorously tested, post-I will continue to improve, and strive to serve the customers.)



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  • 广告程序
    2022-09-12 22:40:03下载
  • xdcms
    XDcms是南宁旭东网络科技有限公司推出的一套完全开源的通用的内容管理系统。主要使用php+mysql+smarty技术基础进行开发,XDcms采用OOP(面向对象)方式进行基础运行框架搭建。模块化开发方式做为功能开发形式。框架易于功能扩展,代码维护,二次开发能力优秀。 XDcms重点功能 A、内容管理模型,自定义字段,更方便扩展功能。自带模型:单页模型、新闻模型、产品模型、招聘模型 B、栏目自定义,便于内容管理 C、内容模块化,二次开发更便捷。自带模块:幻灯片、QQ客服、友情链接、自定义表单(在线留言、简历管理) D、模板管理,后台编辑模板更方便 E、邮件发送,表单留言自动发送邮件到邮箱 F、数据缓存,访问速度更快 G、会员自定义模型、字段 H、结合Smarty开发的万能loop标签、get_block碎片标签,数据调用更简单、更方便 I、产品多图多方位展示 J、URL规则自定义,更有利于做搜索引擎优化(XDcms is Nanning Xudong network science and technology limited company launched a completely open source general-purpose content management system. The main use of php+mysql+smarty technology development, XDcms uses the OOP ( object-oriented ) way of running the framework to build foundation. The modular development mode as the functional forms of development. Frame easy functional expansion, code maintenance, two times the development of outstanding ability. XDcms key function A, content management model, custom fields, more convenient function expansion. Model: model with single page, news, products, recruitment model model model Column B, custom, for content management C, content modules, two times the development of more convenient. With module: slide, QQ service, links, custom form ( online message, resume management ) D, template management, more convenient background editing template E, e-mail, message is automatically sent email to form F, data cache, faster access speed)
    2013-01-13 15:35:31下载
  • 个人博客管理程序
    2023-03-31 04:45:04下载
  • 1
    说明:  大型集团公司网站,现在已经在网络上使用,适用于钢铁等行业的通用网站(Large group company website, has been used on the Internet now)
    2015-06-03 13:13:02下载
  • 西部设计网 v3.1
    说明:  1.栏目设置:[行如动网下拉级动态菜单。在后台可以修改增减] 2.编辑器所见即所得,后台功能比旧版本功能更加强大 3.订单系统更加完善! 4.全部风格模板控制;频道功能,在线做自己想要的页子。 5.网站状态设定;IP访问限制; 6.SQL防注入功能加强; 7.ASP与HTML分离,管理更加容易! 8.非参与性会员功能。 9后台自由调动前台表的位置(1. Columns : [dynamic network of firms Dynamic drop-down menu. In the background changes can be amended] 2. WYSIWYG editor, background features than the old version more powerful 3. Orders system more perfect! 4. All style template control; Channel function, they want to do online pages son. 5. Terms of state set; IP Access restrictions; 6.SQL-injection enhanced functionality; 7.ASP with HTML separation, management easier! 8. Non-participatory membership functions. Nine background free mobility prospects table position)
    2005-11-24 11:07:29下载
  • 票据打印C#
    用vs2008 c#实现各种票据打印,灵活的模板实现套打连打自定义票据尺寸以及票据的保存导出功能。 支持模板打印。
    2022-08-08 10:06:39下载
  • zhaopinqiuzhi-asp
    全功能无限制。 后台登录mgr/login.asp 高级管理员websoa密码webs-oa.com 管理员admin密码admin 信息录入员hx密码hx888
    2013-07-26 08:38:25下载
  • uploadifive
    2022-06-28 11:00:40下载
  • gsqyen
    自助建站,电子商务,采购招标自助建站,电子商务,采购招标(Station at self-service, e-commerce, procurement tenders Station at self-service, e-commerce, procurement tenders)
    2007-03-09 09:50:53下载
  • js特效 滚动
    翻书脚 页面自动定时跳转 滚动菜单 幻灯片换位效果 图片晃动效果
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