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  一个报童从报刊发行中心订报后零售,每卖一份报纸可赚钱a元;若报纸卖不出去,则退回发行处,每退一份要赔钱b元。每天报童卖出的份数是随机的,但报童可以根据以往卖报情况统计得到每天卖k份报纸的概率密度p(k)。 (1) 求报童每天期望收益达到最大(或损失达到最小)的定报量z。 (2) 改变参数a/b的值,观察订报量的最优值变化,画出变化曲线。 试画出仿真流程图,进行程序实现,并对仿真结果进行分析。 (A newsboy subscribe from the press after the retail distribution centers, each sale of a newspaper can make money a million if newspapers can not be sold, then returned to Issue Department, each retire to a loss of a b element. Newsboy sold shares in a day is random, but the newsboy can sell based on past statistics reported to be selling daily newspaper k the probability density p (k). (1) seeking newsboy expected profit per day to maximize (or minimize loss) reported that the volume of fixed-z. (2) change the parameters a/b values, subscribe to observe changes in the volume of the optimal value, draw curve. Simulation test to draw a flow chart for program realization, and simulation results for analysis.)



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  • rc
    说明:  实验目的 本次实验与书中第二章及3.2节的部分内容有关,包括以下几个部分: (1)开始使用MATLAB (2)显示图像,理解图像的模型 (3)使用图像的不同格式,理解图像压缩的意义 (4)对图像做简单的操作 本次实验需要熟练使用以下几个MATLAB命令: imread, imwrite, imshow,figure (Experimental purposes of this experiment with the book, chapter and part of the contents of 3.2, including the following sections: (1) start using MATLAB (2) show the images, understanding image model (3) the use of images in different formats, understand the significance of image compression (4) on the image to do a simple experiment needs to operate the skilled use of the following MATLAB command: imread, imwrite, imshow, figure)
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