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于 2009-05-29 发布 文件大小:6475KB
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  Campbell figure is very good method in solving nonlinear dynamics(this code gives a good approximation method to get Campbell figure)



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  • introduce
    说明:  电力系统常用软件的介绍,很有针对性,适合新手了解方针方面的知识。(Power system commonly used presentation software, and objects)
    2010-04-14 19:50:57下载
  • tezhengboshu
    说明:  该函数可以实现在mimo信号传输时的波束矩阵,尽可以实现在线性接收机的情况下可以达到最大似然的性能,从而大大简化接收机的设计。(This function can be achieved when the signal transmission in mimo beam matrix can make the case of linear receiver can achieve the maximum likelihood performance, which greatly simplify the receiver design.)
    2011-03-24 20:50:56下载
  • MatlabbatchOpeExcelCsvSendMail
    《Matlab批量读写Excel转化csv格式并邮件发送》内含三个函数: 1、MyXlsWriteV1.m:在不关闭Excel文件时,将所有数据写入到Excel中,减少读写时间:内含Excel单元格转化函数; 2、xlsx2csv.m把路径path中的xlsx文件批量转换为csv文件 ; 3、LjwSendQQMailV1:发送电子邮件,可含附件。 ("Matlab batch conversion of read and write Excel csv format and send mail" includes three functions: 1, MyXlsWriteV1.m: without closing the Excel file, all the data is written to Excel, reducing Reading time: Embedded Excel cell transformation functions 2, xlsx2csv.m path path in the batch convert xlsx file to csv file 3, LjwSendQQMailV1: sending emails, may contain attachments.)
    2013-07-31 11:23:48下载
  • LMS_adpative
    2007-09-06 11:21:32下载
  • randgui
    蒙塔卡洛方法求pi值的计算方法,通过分布在立方体和其内切球内的随机点数计算得出(Monte Carlo computation of pi)
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  • TMwave---MATLAB
    模拟TM波传播的MATLAB源程序代码,可以作为参考。(TM wave propagation simulation of MATLAB source code can be used as reference.)
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  • wodewodewode
    对于移动通信系统主要有两类衰落:大规模衰落和小规模衰落。大规模衰落表示由于大范围内移动而引起的平均信号能量的减少或路径损耗。而小规模衰落则表现为两种机制:信号的时延扩展和信道的时变特性。对于无线应用,信道的时变特性是由于发射机和接收机相对移动而造成传输路径的变化。这些传播条件的变化速率影响衰落率。如果存在大量反射路径而不存在视行信号分量,此时的小规模衰落称为瑞利衰落(Rayleigh fading),接收信号的包络由瑞利概率分布函数统计描述。这种衰落也就是这次实验我准备研究的(system for mobile communications fading there are two main categories : large-scale and small-scale fading fading. In view of large-scale decline of large scale movement of the average energy of the signal path to reduce or loss. And the decline of small-scale, it was manifested as two mechanisms : signal delay expansion and channel time-varying characteristics. For wireless applications, channel time-varying characteristics as transmitter and receiver relative movement caused transmission path changes. These conditions spread of the rate changes affect the rate of decline. If there is a large number of pathways exist without depending on the signaling component, At that time, the decline of small-scale known as Rayleigh fading (Rayleigh fading). The received signal envelope from Rayleigh )
    2007-06-20 23:44:47下载
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    从一位国内matlab精通人士处得到的学习笔记! 很值得初学者阅读。(matlab study )
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