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于 2010-12-15 发布 文件大小:950KB
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  matlab/simulink/stateflow 建模规范(guidelines for matlab/simulink/stateflow)



0 个回复

  • siso20M
    A SISO 20M OFDM system based on IEEE802.11n standard, using Matlab.
    2008-01-19 20:35:59下载
  • spectrum-estimate
    对调制信号的频谱进行估计,通过多径和高斯白噪声的信道,解调信号的频谱和输入信号相比较(Spectrum of the modulation signal is estimated by multi-path and Gaussian white noise channel, the demodulated signal of the spectrum and compare the input signal)
    2011-05-04 11:02:25下载
  • ProgrammingPPerl
    Perl 语言编程 第三版 作者:Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen, and Jon Orwant 译者:何伟平 (The third edition of the Perl programming language: Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen, and Jon Orwant Translator: weipin)
    2013-11-04 23:05:21下载
  • cas
    Lte fundamentals and mathematical algorithms
    2013-11-22 20:04:28下载
  • FYP1
    一种基于 Matlab 的 gui 波形发生器。只需运行文件, 并定义参数, 如频率, 周期数和波形类型 (sin, cos, pwm 等), 然后单击开始。(A Matlab gui based waveform generator. Simply run the file, and define parameters like frequency, number of cycles and type of waveform (sine,cos,pwm etc) then click START.)
    2017-08-15 10:50:38下载
  • fdtd2D
    finite difference time domain 2d code
    2010-10-30 07:20:18下载
  • SMVQ
    Matlab for SMVQ 邊緣配對的向量編碼技術 (Matlab for SMVQ side match vector quantization)
    2013-04-12 20:16:56下载
  • weimin
    读取语音信号(用matlab的wavread指令),把语音信号分帧、加窗,进行清浊分割,提取基 频,这一部分较简单,自己编程序做。参考文献自己到图书馆期刊网上查找。 提取语音信号的lpc参数,可调用lpcfit.m 程序(我提供,见附件),将源、目标语音的浊音 段的lpc系数进行DTW规整,调用pathita2.m 程序(我提供,见附件)。将规整得到的lpc系数 转换成lsp参数,调用lpcar2ls.m 程序(我提供,见附件), 再进行转换映射,调用matlab 的指令newrbe。(read the speech signal (using Matlab wavread Directive), Voice Signal frames, Windowed, Qingzhuo segmentation, extracting fundamental frequency, this part is relatively simple, they programmed to do. References their online journals to the library search. Voice Signal Extraction lpc parameters can be called lpcfit.m (I provide, see Annex), the source, Voiced objective voice of the lpc coefficient DTW structured, Call pathita2.m (I provide, see Annex). Structured to the lpc lsp conversion coefficient parameters, calling lpcar2ls.m (I offer see Annex), the shift mapping, called the directive newrbe Matlab.)
    2007-04-22 16:08:00下载
  • input-txt
    把txt格式的数据文件引入matlab中进行fft,输出四个图( Txt data file format introduced conducted matlab fft, the output of the four figure)
    2013-12-13 13:30:54下载
  • SPBPackage
    it includes normalizatiom filters in speech and some other codes
    2014-02-11 07:05:42下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104509会员总数
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