(C-mexfilesforMATLABencounterthefollowingproblemwhencompilingthemwithWATCOM11.0:Allaccess-functionstofiles(fprintf,fscanf)cannothandledoublevariables,onlyintegerandstringsarereadorwrittencorrectly.Thefileconvert.ccontainstwofunctions:Youmayreadadouble-variableasastringfromthefileandconvertittoadouble(functionstring2double)andyoumayconvertadoubletoastring(functiondouble2string)andwriteittoafile(seemain()inconvert.c).Thefileconditio.datisanexampleofnumbersreadbyconvert.c.Theconv.exewascompiledonaWindows95-system.ThefilesweretestedforMATLAB5.2andWATCOM11.0aresultof"ver"is:MATLABVersion5.2.1.1420onPCWIN) - IMDN开发者社群-imdn.cn">
首页 » C++ Builder » BerndHafner


于 2009-12-23 发布 文件大小:34KB
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  C-mex files for MATLAB encounter the following problem when compiling them with WATCOM 11.0: All access-functions to files (fprintf, fscanf) cannot handle double variables, only integer and strings are read or written correctly. The file convert.c contains two functions: You may read a double-variable as a string from the file and convert it to a double (function string2double) and you may convert a double to a string (function double2string) and write it to a file (see main() in convert.c). The file conditio.dat is an example of numbers read by convert.c. The conv.exe was compiled on a Windows95-system. The files were tested for MATLAB 5.2 and WATCOM 11.0a result of "ver" is: MATLAB Version on PCWIN (C-mex files for MATLAB encounter the following problem when compiling them with WATCOM 11.0: All access-functions to files (fprintf, fscanf) cannot handle double variables, only integer and strings are read or written correctly. The file convert.c contains two functions: You may read a double-variable as a string from the file and convert it to a double (function string2double) and you may convert a double to a string (function double2string) and write it to a file (see main () in convert.c). The file conditio.dat is an example of numbers read by convert.c. The conv.exe was compiled on a Windows95-system. The files were tested for MATLAB 5.2 and WATCOM 11.0a result of " ver" is : MATLAB Version on PCWIN)



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