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于 2010-12-09 发布 文件大小:490KB
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  libsvm, a classical svm toolbox



0 个回复

  • simpleTest2
    此文件是基于ARToolKit的开发包上的再次开发,上面显示一个一个立方体,并加以稳定的程序,对增强现实有很好的指教。(This document is based on the development of ARToolKit developed again on the package, shown above, one by one cube, and the procedures to be stable, for augmented reality have a good advice.)
    2010-12-30 14:18:57下载
  • t_tide_v1.1
    计算潮汐调和常数,潮汐预测,潮流的预测,能够绘制各种预测图与原始图,两者可以进行比对从而得出观测站数据的结论(Computation of tidal harmonic constants, tidal predictions, tidal current predictions, the ability to plot various prediction maps and original maps, and the two can be compared to derive observation station data.)
    2021-01-24 10:08:38下载
  • emd_n
    emd.m经验模态分解的程序,这个是学习希尔伯特黄变换(hht)的重要部分(emd.m EMD program, this is the study of Hilbert-Huang Transform (hht) important part of the)
    2010-08-21 15:40:45下载
  • matlabsnake
    贪食蛇游戏的matlab实现,特别适用于matlab初学者,能很快的提高其matlab水平(Matlab games贪食蛇realize, especially for beginners in matlab that can quickly improve the level of its matlab)
    2008-05-22 07:38:41下载
  • eof
    eof分解的程序 好用且可直接使用 适合于海洋和大气学科(eof analysis for oceanography and meterology)
    2010-05-07 13:14:19下载
  • the-day-of-year
    the day of year是指这一年已经逝去的天数(包括当天) 。在平年中,它的取值范围为 1 到 365,在闰年中,它的取值范围 1到 366。编写一个 MATLAB 程序,输入年,月,日, 输入为对应的 the of year。 (the day of year is the year the number of days have been lost (including the day). In the average year, it ranges from 1 to 365, in a leap year, it ranges from 1 to 366. Write a MATLAB program, enter the year, month, day, enter the corresponding the of year.)
    2011-06-14 17:58:10下载
  • writing-fast-for-matlab-code
    Matlab快速编写代码教程,对于matlab初学者是非常有益的参考资料!(MATLAB quickly write code tutorial for matlab language for beginners, it is very helpful information!)
    2013-03-01 22:53:37下载
  • Jiabian
    加边函数,外扩原图像,matlab算法程序(Bordered function, external expansion of the original image, matlab algorithm program)
    2010-06-07 16:02:09下载
  • Turboequalization
    说明:  关于短波通信中多径的Matlab仿真代码(On short-wave communications in multi-path simulation of Matlab code)
    2008-11-16 21:35:30下载
  • Hilo-JavaScript
    建和运行 Hilo 示例,如何组织源代码,以及它所使用的工具和语言,window metro app 应用开发实例(Hilo built and running the sample, how to organize the source code, as well as its use of tools and languages, application window Metro app development examples)
    2014-10-22 00:03:28下载
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