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于 2008-05-30 发布 文件大小:5KB
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  该程序功能主要是运用matlab的小波函数完成图像的读入和显示,并实现加入噪声,最后运用小波函数滤除(The main function of the program is to use matlab image of the wavelet function of the read and display, and the realization of adding noise, and finally the use of wavelet function filter)



0 个回复

  • modified_sinr
    The signal received by a user over the forward link in such a high data rate system contains interference from the neighboring base stations. we note that the strength of this interference is a function of the network load in the neighboring cells. we obtain an expression for the received SINR (Signal to Interference and Noise Ratio) as a function of the traffic load in the interfering cells. Using this result, we propose an improvement to the SINR estimation scheme that is implemented in the current cellular data network. The proposed scheme provides a more accurate estimate of the user SINR by taking better account of the contribution of inter-cell interference. It builds on top of the current SINR measurement scheme by using a combination of pilot measurement and traffic load measurement
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