,在MATLAB环境下对 学生自主学习成绩决策表进行了求解,分析了该决策表的上近似集、下近似集、不可分辨关系、约简、核集、属性依赖度的概念,从而 在原始数据的基础上得出了条件属性与决策属性间的关系。 (The knowledge theory based on rough set can help to simplify the knowledge proceeded from originaldata. In the paper it intro- duces the rough set theory and its principle algorithms. MATLAB Rough SetToolbox is programmed to analyze the decision table of self-learn- ing system from students score database.The concepts such as the upper approximation, lower approximation, indiscernibility relation, reduc- tion, core set, and attribute-importance are analyzed based on the score database table.Thus, the relations between condition attributes and de- cision attributes of the score database are obtained on the basis of original data. )