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于 2009-12-15 发布 文件大小:92KB
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  中值滤波的matlab程序,用于图像的简单处理,图像处理基础(Median filter matlab program for simple image processing, image processing-based)



0 个回复

  • using_same_voxel_space
    This program lets you put one image into the same voxel space as another image. E.g. you might want to extract a Brodmann area from the brodmann.img file that comes with MRIcro, and then put that set of 1x1x1mm voxels into the same voxel space as your functional data, which probably covers a smaller volume and has larger voxels. Then you can use the Brodmann area as an ROI to explore your functional results.
    2012-08-07 13:11:35下载
  • ASK-Modulation
    this is program for modulation in ASK and that is very usefull.
    2015-03-23 14:14:06下载
  • matlab3d
    matlab实现三维重建,代码书写规范,运行稳定 特地传上来供大家学习参考()
    2008-05-01 20:02:47下载
  • ofdm
    摘要:正交频分复用(OFDM)是第四代移动通信的核心技术。该文首先简要介绍了OFDM基本原理,重点研究了理想同步情 况下,保护时隙(CP)和不同的信道估计方法在高斯信道和多径瑞利衰落信道下对OFDM系统性能的影响。在给出OFDM系 统模型的基础上,用MATLAB语言实现了整个系统的计算机仿真并给出参考设计程序。最后给出在不同的信道条件下,保 护时隙、信道估计方法对OFDM系统误码率影响的比较曲线,得出了较理想的结论。 (O FDM is the key techno logy of 4G in the field of mobile comm unication.In this article O FDM ba sic p rinc ip le is briefly in troduced.Then,the influence of CP and d iffe rent channe l e stim a tion on the system pe rfo rm ance is emp ha tica lly analyzed respectively in Gauss and R ayle igh fading channe ls in the cond ition of ideal synchronization.B e sides,based on the given system mode l O FDM system is compu te r sim u la ted w ith MA TLAB language and the refe rentia l design p rocedure is given.Fina lly,the B ER cu rves of CP and channe l e stim ation a re given and comp ared.The conclusion is sa tisfac to ry. )
    2009-06-01 16:10:00下载
  • efinger
    说明:   这是一个完整的指纹识别程序,它包括了直方图均衡,Gabor滤波图像增强,方向图过滤,纹理细化,特征提取及特征匹配。其中,特征匹配包含了3种匹配方法,另外还附有PPT,非常值得研究。(Finger Identification)
    2010-04-07 10:29:21下载
  • guiyihua
    这是对一维时间序列进行归一化计算的matlab程序(This is the one-dimensional time series to a calculation procedure of Matlab)
    2006-10-27 10:56:31下载
  • 空时二维自适应处理 stap1
    空时二维自适应处理Matlab程序,采用线性调频信号仿真杂波(Space-Time Adaptive Processing Matlab program, using the linear FM signal simulation clutter)
    2012-05-31 12:45:30下载
  • transient_simulation
    电力双机系统暂态仿真程序,含派克变换和绘图子程序,可供参考。(Dual power system transient simulation program, with Parker and graphics transform subroutine is available for reference.)
    2011-08-08 23:16:54下载
    风力发电运行最大风能追踪控制S函数优化代码,实现了风力发电运行时发电机模型的M语言编程 (Wind power tracking control of the largest wind energy S function optimization code, run-time to achieve a wind power generator model M-language programming)
    2010-07-14 16:40:31下载
  • esprit_tls
    运用tls-esprit方法估计信号简谐波频率(Estimation the frequencies ofsignal using total least square-esprit algorithm)
    2020-06-30 03:00:02下载
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