本程序计算局部窗口的累积直方图,可用于驱动水平集和纹理分割( in this test program, we calculate the cumulative histogram in a local window centered at each pixel,this local cumulative histogram can be used to drive the level set for image and texture segmentation. Author: Associate Prof. Yuanquan Wang, Affiliation: Tianjin Key Lab of Intelligent Computing and Novel Software Technology, School of Computer Science, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300191, China 01/20/2008 Reference: 1. Tony Chan, Selim Esedoglu, and Kangyu Ni, Histogram Based Segmentation Using Wasserstein Distances, SSVM 2007, LNCS 4485, pp. 697–708, 2007. 2. Kangyu Ni, Xavier Bresson, Tony Chan, Selim Esedog, Local Histogram based Segmentation using the Wasserstein Distance, at: www.math.lsa.umich.edu/~esedoglu/Papers_Preprints/chan_esedoglu_ni.pdf or at :ftp://ftp.math.ucla.edu/pub/camreport/cam08-47.pdf )