随着学校的规模不断扩大,学生数量急剧增加,面对庞大的信息量,就需要有学生信息管理系统来提高学生管理工作的效率做到信息的规范管理、科学统计和快速的查询,从而减少管理方面的工作量。软件的主要功能为有关学生信息的保存与查询,使学校学籍和学生管理实现自动化。 该系统吞吐量要求不高,与一般网页访问情况相同即可。 响应时间:一般操作的响应时间应在1-2秒内 (With the schools have been expanding the number of students increased dramatically, in the face of the huge amount of information, we need to have student information management system to improve the efficiency of the management students to achieve the norms of information management, science and statistics and fast query, thereby reducing the management workload. The main functions of the software for the students concerned the preservation of information and inquiry, so that schools and students in school management automation. Throughput of the system not ask for much, and the general web site can visit the same. Response time: the general operation of the response time should be in 1-2 seconds)