输出Hello, World 混乱C语言的源代码(加密源代码,嘿嘿) 仅供朋友们“消遣作乐”,能够看懂是为什么固然不错。看不懂也不必太过认真,如果你要觉得有意思的话,顶顶贴。如果你觉得没什么意思的话,一笑了之。仅供娱乐而已,不必太过认真。(The output Hello, World chaotic C language source code (encrypted source code, Hei hei) only friends " entertainment creating music" , able to read it all very well why. There is no need to read too seriously, if you want to find interesting, then, Dingding paste. If you think there is any meaning, then laugh. Only for entertainment only, do not be too careful.)