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于 2009-05-14 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  simplst kalman filter estimation results kalman filter



0 个回复

  • qlibrary
    Quantum computing library in matlab with several illustration
    2009-09-22 00:11:39下载
  • bayes_demo
    目标跟踪的扩展卡尔曼滤波算法主函数的文件是:kal_demo.m 近似网格滤波的主函数文件是:bayes_demo.m 近似网格滤波划分网格的方法是:以目标上一个时刻的位置作为中心进行网格的划分,每个网格大小为1,总的区域为5*5 改进后算法的主函数文件是:trackiing_demo.m(Target tracking extended Kalman filter algorithm is the main function of the document: kal_demo.m approximate mesh filter paper is the main function: bayes_demo.m approximate mesh filter into the grid method is: in order to target the location of a moment as the central to carry out the division of the grid, each grid size of 1, with a total area of 5* 5 to improve the algorithm)
    2007-09-30 11:20:49下载
  • facerecexplanation
    its the code for face detectiona and regeneration
    2011-01-21 01:00:27下载
  • Doc1
    this is new approach for fuel cell control.it is really helpfull.
    2013-09-09 17:12:27下载
  • aumerical-integ-ration
    : 针对实际振动位移难以获取的问题, 利用振动位移与加速度信号之间的关系, 先对采样后的加速度信 号采用时域数值积分,得到含有趋势项的速度信号及位移信号,再采用拟合多项式极值的方法, 消除积分过程 中产生的趋势项,从而得到更为精确的速度和位移信号. 算例表明, 利用拟合多项式极值消除趋势项的方法, 得到的位移时程曲线拟合精度高(: In pract ical engineering , the collection of displacement data is mo re dif ficult than that of the acceleratio n data in the time-domain .Displacement sig nals w as g ot f rom acceleration s ignals using aumerical integrat ion , wi th the t rend o f erro r. Poly nomial fit ting method o f ex t reme value to eliminate the trend of erro r w as proposed . More precise di splacement data can be acquired f rom thi s algo rithm. The example show s that thi s alg orithm can get hig h accuracy displacement data f rom the acceleration data mo re easi ly .)
    2014-12-14 18:11:57下载
  • NMF.tar
    NMF常用源码。需要的拿去。NME常用MATLAB源码。(NMF common source. Need to take. NME used MATLAB source.)
    2013-11-16 21:34:57下载
  • Face-recognition-matlab-codes
    人脸识别Matlab程序,十分详细,质量上乘,内有详细的使用说明。(face recognition Matlab codes,with good quality,have specified explanation inside)
    2015-04-15 11:07:31下载
  • tekkanalwave
    single channel EMG analysing
    2014-02-13 03:09:10下载
  • matlab
    非线性方程组解法及matlab程序,非线性方程组解法及matlab程序(The Method of Solving Non- linear Equations and Program )
    2016-12-11 16:48:37下载
  • Matlab1111
    Matlab混合编程与工程应用源代码,按每个章节给出的程序,很有参考价值的哦(Matlab programming and engineering application of mixed-source code, according to the procedures given in each chapter, the valuable oh ...)
    2009-09-17 18:25:28下载
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