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于 2010-11-21 发布 文件大小:2176KB
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  加深对进程概念及进程管理各部分内容的理解;熟悉进程管理中主要数据结构的设计及进程调度算法。 1) 基本操作:进程的创建、删除。 2) 进程的基本属性: 进程名、进程时间片、进程优先级 3) 支持进程创建与撤销功能,创建后的进程在其整个生命周期中以PCB形式存在。每个进程用一个PCB表示,其内容根据具体情况设置。 进程根据其执行情况在不同队列(就绪队列、阻塞队列)间迁移。 5) 实现单处理器进程调度功能,调度等调度算法实现。 6) 管理的进程数目不少于3个,竞争使用的资源可以是CPU、内存、I/O设备等。 7) 进程可在初始时刻由系统创建,也可由其它进程在运行过程中创建。 8) 能够查看各进程状态、各进程队列内容。系统在运行过程中应能显示或打印各进程的状态及有关参数的变化情况,以便观察诸进程的运行过程及系统的管理过程。 9) 至少支持1种或者2种调度算法。(The concept of deepening of the process and process management understanding of the various parts familiar with the process management in the design of the main data structure and process scheduling algorithm. 1) basic steps: the process of creating, deleting. 2) the basic properties of the process: the process name, process time slice, the process priority 3) to support the process of creation and cancellation function, the process created throughout their life cycle in PCB form. Each process with a PCB that set the content according to specific circumstances. Process in accordance with its implementation in different queue (ready queue, blocking the queue) to another. 5) the process of single-processor scheduling, scheduling and other scheduling algorithm. 6) management of not less than three the number of processes, competitive use of resources can be CPU, memory, I/O devices. 7) The process can be created by the system at the initial time, other processes may also be c)





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