轻松玩转虚拟机,VMware是VMware公司出品的一个多系统安装软件。利用它,你可以在一台电脑上将硬盘和内存的一部分拿出来虚拟出若干台机器,每台机器可以运行单独的操作系统而互不干扰,这些“新”机器各自拥有自己独立的CMOS、硬盘和操作系统,你可以像使用普通机器一样对它们进行分区、格式化、安装系统和应用软件等操作,还可以将这几个操作系统联成一个网络。(Easy Fun virtual machine, VMware is VMware companies produce go more than one system, install the software. Use it, you can a computer hard drive and memory, will spend part of his out of a number of virtual machines, each machine can run a single operating system without disturbing each other, these " new" machines each with its own independent CMOS, hard disk and operating system, you can use regular machines as they like to partition, format, install system and application software operation, this number can also be linked to form a network operating system.)