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于 2009-05-12 发布 文件大小:340KB
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  1)给出菜单选项,并在程序中预先设计3幅迷宫图(m×n)(m、n不超过15),用户可以自由选择其中一幅。3幅地图的复杂性不同,为容易、一般、较难。 2)可以随意选择玩家的初始位置,也可由计算机随机产生(菜单中由用户选择); 3)记录玩家的旅行记录,即每一幅迷宫的碰壁次数,走了多少步才走出迷宫等。 4)设定悔步功能,即按指定键可以悔一步,连带的这一步记录也将删除掉。 (1) given menu option, and in the process of three pre-designed maze map (m × n) (m, n not exceeding 15), the user can freely choose which site. Three maps of different complexity for easy general, it is rather difficult. 2) The player can choose the initial position, the computer can also be randomly generated (menu selection by the user) 3) record player s travel records, that is, each wall of a maze the number of how many go out of the maze, such as step-by-step before. 4) set features step-by-step regret, that regret can be specified key step, the associated record this step will also be removed.)



0 个回复

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