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于 2009-05-11 发布 文件大小:67KB
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  数字语音是信号的一种,我们处理数字语音信号,也就是对一种信号的处理,那信号是什么呢? 信号是传递信息的函数。离散时间信号——序列——可以用图形来表示。 按信号特点的不同,信号可表示成一个或几个独立变量的函数。例如,图像信号就是空间位置(二元变量)的亮度函数。一维变量可以是时间,也可以是其他参量,习惯上将其看成时间。 (Digital Voice is a signal that we deal with digital voice signal, that is, the processing of a signal, that signal what is it? Signal is a function of transmitting information. Discrete-time signal- sequence- can be used to indicate the graphics. According to the different signal characteristics, signal or can be expressed as a function of several independent variables. For example, the image signal is the spatial location (binary variables) of the brightness function. Variables can be one-dimensional time and other parameters can be, habits will be time to treat it as a.)



0 个回复

  • notch2
    implementation of notch filter
    2011-02-16 13:28:34下载
  • iii
    Add Gaussian white noise (mean=0 and variance=0.05 ) to the image using imnoise command. Now use fftshift command to put all zero frequencies in the middle. Low-pass filter this function by applying a mask saving only the central Fourier coefficients. Set the mask width to 255 and create the filtered image.
    2014-09-11 15:08:58下载
  • zzz
    输入x,y的值,并将它们的值互换后输出。(Enter the x, y values​ ​ , and their values ​ ​ are interchangeable output.)
    2013-10-10 11:22:45下载
  • jingtongmatlab6.5
    pdf格式的,由张志涌编写.我在网上找了很久才找着,特推荐给大家下载.(pdf format, prepared by Zhang Zhiyong. I am looking for a long time before the Internet find, especially recommended to everyone to download.)
    2007-08-15 12:03:20下载
  • clahe
    a linear image denoising procedures denoising good results, a simple coding procedures
    2010-05-21 03:02:21下载
  • inclinationerr
    经典的多点法形状复原算法的逐次2点法和逐次3点法的程序。本程序对当存在随机误差和系统误差时产生的评价误差进行了分析。(classic multi-point method shape recovery algorithm Successive 2:00 and 3:00 successive Act procedures. When the right procedures exist random error and systematic error, caused by the error of evaluation analysis.)
    2007-06-11 23:00:09下载
  • c6_PLLsim
    现在通信系统仿真中的锁相环技术,给出仿真程序以及后处理(Communication system simulation is now PLL technology, the simulation process and post-processing)
    2010-09-19 10:29:26下载
  • first_test_adaptive_filtering
    it s really good i mean very very good what I meant is it s really good
    2014-10-25 17:29:39下载
  • GA01
    GA location allocation problem sample
    2013-11-19 23:13:57下载
  • TVmatlab
    非常好的变时滞系统程序,可供参考程序,BP神经网络(Very good program for your reference. Please refer to it. Thank you!)
    2021-02-24 19:59:39下载
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