生产信息与生产运营相关的热用户信息是各级决策者进行生产决策的两个关键因素。生产信息的及时、准确地获取和分析,能够及时掌握生产运营状况,在保证用户满意度的情况下,进行合理决策,来控制生产运营成本,提高公司整体效益信息处理是一个完整的概念。 (Production of information and manufacturing operations related to the heat user information is the decision-making at all levels of decision-makers to produce two key factors. Production information in a timely and accurate acquisition and analysis, and timely information on production and operation status, to ensure customer satisfaction in the circumstances, the rational decision-making, to control the production and operation costs and improve the overall efficiency of information processing company is a complete concept.)