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于 2009-05-10 发布 文件大小:6KB
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  一篇基于独立分量分析(ICA)的盲信道MATLAB程序(1 Based on Independent Component Analysis (ICA) for blind channel MATLAB program)



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    关于无线传感器网络的路由算法研究,在能量均衡上的经典LEACH算法,用matlab进行的仿真,能够实现!(Abstract: The distributed wireless sensor net work and the technol ogy of wireless communicati on could realize the subsidence monit oring and measuring in coalmine goaf . One of the i mportant researcheswas r outing p r ot ocol in wireless sens or net works . Based on the design idea of the LEACH routing p r ot ocol for the wireless sens or net work, taking the net work communicati on capacity t o be increased and the re2 dundant data trans missi on t o be reduced as the target, according t o the available LEACH i mp r oved calculati on method, an i mp roved layer r outing p rot ocol algorithm was p rovided . With the introducti on of the forced cluster head and according t o the data relativity of the monit o2 ring and measuring variati on for the unit p itch pointswithin the continued ti me, the redundant data transmissi on quantitywas reduced . A comparison si mulati on on the net work existing ti me of the i mp roved algorithm for the t wo LEACH p rot ocolswas conduced . The)
    2010-05-19 10:59:26下载
  • pgj
    现代谱估计的很好的参考资料,我看了 受益匪浅,你可以(modern spectral estimation a good reference, I read benefited from, you can s)
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