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于 2009-05-10 发布 文件大小:5KB
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  isodata image clustering matlab code



0 个回复

  • allthebest
    Additionally, LTE supports operation both in paired and unpaired spectrum (FDD and TDD) using channel bandwidths of approximately 1.4MHz up to 20MHz. The frequency domain scheduling can be done in OFDMA. One of the main challenges in OFDMA is the high peak-to-average radio of the transmitted signal, which requires linearity in the transmitter. The linear amplifiers have low efficiency therefore, OFDMA is not an optimized solution for a mobile uplink where the
    2013-01-01 13:39:42下载
  • Mexp_equal
    实现改进的超指数盲均衡算法,纠正了原算法不能纠正相位偏转的缺点(realize the MSEI algorithm, improved the original SEI algorithm and corrects the phase error)
    2013-03-19 12:33:09下载
  • TSP-using-Discrete-GA
    TSP using Discrete Genetic Algorithm
    2015-02-01 05:34:49下载
  • SFG_inpaint
    这是图像内绘(或叫图像修补)的matlab程序源代码,适合研究算法的同学使用.(This is the image in paint (or called image restoration) of matlab source code for the students of the algorithm used.)
    2010-07-12 19:26:31下载
  • mangxinhaoBBS
    该文件采用BBS算法能够实现盲信号的分离,分离效果很好,输入为两种信号的非线性叠加,经过仿真效果很明显!(The document can be achieved using BBS algorithm for blind signal separation, separation a good effect, input non-linear superposition of two kinds of signals, through simulation effect is obvious!)
    2009-11-12 09:57:31下载
  • noisetracking
    包含M文件,培训和跟踪落实的噪音中描述的算法: [1] J.S.厄克伦斯和R. Heusdens,“非平稳噪声跟踪基于数据驱动的递归噪声功率的估计”,IEEE期刊。音频,语音卷。 16,第6页。1112年至1123年,2008年8月。 见Description.doc在zip文件。(Contains m-files to train and implement the noise tracking algorithm described in: [1] J.S. Erkelens and R. Heusdens, "Tracking of nonstationary noise based on data-driven recursive noise power estimation", IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech & Lang. Proc., Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 1112-1123, August 2008. See Description.doc in the zip-file. )
    2010-05-20 22:18:56下载
    这是一个基于TD-SCDMA系统mimo-ofdm的系统级的仿真模型,希望对大家有用。(This is a based on TD-SCDMA system mimo- ofdm of system-level simulation model We hope that the right useful.)
    2007-05-10 10:40:45下载
  • KeyboardExtension
    很实用的IPHONE完美实现自定义软键盘(IPHONE perfect realization of very useful custom keyboard)
    2010-09-27 08:50:46下载
  • waveletmatlab
    小波边缘检测matlab源程序,利用matlab提供的小波函数对图像进行行、列变换。(The matlab program code use wavelet edge detection)
    2009-12-18 12:58:03下载
  • DevelopmentsoftheMicroModulatingSpectrometers
    说明:    随着微加工技术的发展和日益成熟 ,微型化光谱仪的研究得以快速发展。和传统的 微型光谱仪相比 ,基于调制原理的光谱仪具有高光通量、 高分辨率的性能优势 ,可广泛应用于生物、化学、 医学等许多领域中对微弱辐射信号的探测。介绍了几种类型的调制光谱仪的结构特点和关键技术 ,分析了设计与制作微型调制光谱仪过程中存在的一些关键问题与难点 ,并总结了该领域的研究进展和发展趋势。( The mat uration of the optical micro2elect ro mechanical systems technology has imp ul sed t he development of t he micro spect rometer . Compared to the t raditional micro spect rometer , t he spect rometer based on modulation can be used in biological , chemical and medical fields to detect t he faint signal s due to it s inherent advantages. An overview of t he development s of t he micro spect rometer based on modulation is presented. The key p roblems in designing and fabricating t he Fourier t ransform spect rometer ( F TS) are discussed , and t he progresses made worldwide in t his field are al so presented.)
    2010-04-11 11:04:16下载
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