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  Distribution systems power flow



0 个回复

  • ffd2d
    ffd算法 用于ffd的运行,即快速图像配准算法(ffd ffd running algorithm, that algorithm for fast image registration)
    2011-05-13 08:57:50下载
  • ant_nfc
    本书是关于PN512的天线设计方法,主要是关于天线匹配设计(This book is about the antenna design PN512 of)
    2014-01-22 09:07:15下载
  • MTF_SingleWA
    用matlab编写波前编码系统光学传递函数mtf在不同离焦下随相位板参数的变化曲线(the curve of mtf along with the change of phase plate parameters under different focal )
    2021-05-15 20:30:02下载
  • 多尺度熵
    多尺度熵,用于对图像和各类数字信号进行处理(multiscale entropy used for the signal processing)
    2020-07-02 18:40:01下载
  • denoising
    denoising of image especiallly 2d images
    2011-01-16 10:26:02下载
  • Chapter-4
    quantization by matlab
    2012-05-13 04:29:46下载
  • Unauthorised-Access.pdf
    PDF book about breaking into systems without authorization for educational purposes to better secure your systems
    2014-09-07 08:26:01下载
  • Synthetic-Aperture-Radar-Imaging-Simulated-in-MAT
    This thesis further develops a method from ongoing thesis projects with the goal of generating images using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) simulations coded in MATLAB.
    2011-10-21 17:20:00下载
  • kjtrew.23
    This paper presents a new and efficient approach for capacitor placement in radial distribution systems (RDS) that determine the optimal locations and size of capacitor with an objective of improving the voltage profile and reduction of power loss. The solution methodology has two parts: in part one the loss sensitivity factors (LSF) are used to select the candidate locations for the capacitor placement and in part two a new algorithm that employs Dijkstra Algorithm (DA) is used to estimate the optimal size of capacitors at the optimal buses determined in part one. The main advantage of the proposed method is that it does not require any external control parameters. The other advantage is that it handles the objective function and the constraints separately. The proposed method is applied to 33 & 69 RDS. The solutions obtained by the proposed method are compared with other methods. The proposed method has outperformed the other methods in terms of the quality of solution. OPTIMAL C
    2013-12-16 14:32:22下载
  • GPSR_6.0
    GPSR_6.0 工具器,梯度投影法CS恢复,很有用的(GPSR_6.0)
    2010-08-12 11:02:04下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104509会员总数
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