首页 » matlab » T4R4_conv_BPSK_vblast


于 2009-05-08 发布 文件大小:94KB
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  是一个四发四收的球型译码程序,编码是卷积码,调制方式是BPSK,用Vblast来实现解码。(Is a collection of four four-ball type decoding procedures, coding is a convolutional code, modulation is BPSK, used to achieve the decoding Vblast.)



0 个回复

  • VC-or-matlab
    VC与Matlab混合编程的实现,对于实现二者之间的联合编程有帮助(VC and Matlab mixed programming, joint programming between the two)
    2012-05-22 10:23:39下载
  • nuifeng
    一个很有用的程序,音频信号通过LM386放大,小波包分析提取振动信号中的特征频率。( A very useful program, LM386 audio signal amplification, Wavelet packet analysis to extract vibration signal characteristic frequency.)
    2017-01-20 20:04:39下载
  • iriswavepr
    decomposition image
    2009-04-23 05:21:29下载
  • sift
    SIFT (scale invariant feature transform)
    2010-10-28 19:44:14下载
  • stft
    在时域中表示,短时傅里叶变换,取1000个采样点,加窗函数,画出原始信号,三维,等高图(In the time domain, said the short-time Fourier transform, take 1000 a sampling point, add window function, draw the original signal, 3 d, contour map)
    2012-04-27 08:50:33下载
  • music_two
    述是经典MUSIC算法的基本原理,许多限制是可以放宽或取消的。首先,关于均匀线阵的限制不是必须的,实际中可采用几乎是任意形状的阵列形式,只要满足在个独立信号源的条件下,矩阵具有个线性无关的列就可以了。其次,天线阵元在观测平面内无方向性这一点也不是必要的,而且还可以考虑三维空间的DOA估计问题,即不仅估计信号的方位角,还要估计它的俯仰角,当然MUSIC算法还用于频率、方位和俯仰的联合估计。(Above is the basic principle of the classical MUSIC algorithm, a number of restrictions can be relaxed or canceled. First, restrictions on ULA is not necessary, the actual form of an array can be almost any shape, as long as the signal source in the independent condition matrix has linearly independent columns on it. Second, the antenna elements in a plane non-directional observation it is not necessary, but could also be considered DOA estimation of three-dimensional space, that is not only estimated azimuth signals, but also to estimate its pitch angle, of course, also MUSIC algorithm joint estimation for the frequency, the azimuth and elevation.)
    2016-03-19 10:10:45下载
  • hidetxt
    reading pixel values of image in bits
    2010-07-16 22:56:17下载
  • gtt
    PCMA律13折线编码器matlab源程序(Law 13 PCMA codec matlab source code line)
    2010-11-23 10:20:09下载
    多样化的特点,直观和清晰的启动电压和电流的特性的过程中一个电机仿真过程的详细描述(Variety of features, intuitive and clear starting voltage and current characteristics of the process of a detailed description of the process of motor simulation)
    2011-12-20 14:40:10下载
  • dsp
    1.录制一段自己的语音信号,对录制的信号进行采样 画出采样后语音信号的时域波形和频谱图 给定滤波器的性能指标,采matlab设计数字滤波器,并画出滤波器的频率响应 然后用自己设计的滤波器对采集的信号进行滤波,画出滤波后信号的时域波形和频谱,并对滤波前后的信号进行对比,分析信号的变化 回放语音信号。2.(1. Recorded his voice for some signal, the signal is sampled on the record draw sampled speech signal time-domain waveform and frequency spectrum performance for a given filter, mining matlab digital filter design, and draw the filter frequency response then use their own filters designed to filter the collected signals, to draw the filtered time domain waveform and frequency spectrum, and comparing the signal before and after filtering, analysis of signal changes playback of audio signals. 2.)
    2011-01-10 15:18:30下载
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