(ThealogrithmemployedinthistoolboxfordeterminingLyapunovexponentsisaccordingtothealgorithmsproposedin[1]A.Wolf,J.B.Swift,H.L.Swinney,andJ.A.Vastano,"DeterminingLyapunovExponentsfromaTimeSeries,"PhysicaD,Vol.16,pp.285-317,1985.[2]J.P.EckmannandD.Ruelle,"ErgodicTheoryofChaosandStrangeAttractors,"Rev.Mod.Phys.,Vol.57,pp.617-656,1985.Thealgorithmgivenin[1]isusedforfirst-ordersystemswhiletheQR-basedalgorithmproposedin[2]isappliedforhigherordersystems.bySteveW.K.SIU,July5,1998.) - IMDN开发者社群-imdn.cn">
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  The alogrithm employed in this toolbox for determining Lyapunov exponents is according to the algorithms proposed in [1] A. Wolf, J. B. Swift, H. L. Swinney, and J. A. Vastano "Determining Lyapunov Exponents from a Time Series," Physica D, Vol. 16, pp. 285-317, 1985. [2] J. P. Eckmann and D. Ruelle, "Ergodic Theory of Chaos and Strange Attractors," Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 57, pp. 617-656, 1 The algorithm given in [1] is used for first-order systems while the QR-based algorithm proposed in [2] is applied for higher order systems. by Steve W. K. SIU, July 5, 1998. (The alogrithm employed in this toolbox for determining Lyapunov exponents is according to the algorithms proposed in [1] A. Wolf, J. B. Swift, H. L. Swinney, and J. A. Vastano, "Determining Lyapunov Exponents from a Time Series," Physica D, Vol. 16, pp. 285-317, 1985. [2] J. P. Eckmann and D. Ruelle, "Ergodic Theory of Chaos and Strange Attractors," Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 57, pp. 617-656, 1985. The algorithm given in [1] is used for first-order systems while the QR-based algorithm proposed in [2] is applied for higher order systems. by Steve W. K. SIU, July 5, 1998. )



0 个回复

  • takikofz
    自己写的,有关于在电脑上仿真手机图片的显示效果,希望有所帮助(wrote it myself, on the phone computer simulation results show the pictures, hoping some help)
    2007-04-08 18:35:38下载
  • ch1
    本书基于MATLAB 5.2版,提供了使用MATLAB的实践性指导。MATLAB已成为适合多学科、多种工作平台的功能强大、界面友好、语言自然并且开放性强的大型优秀应用软件,同时也已成为国内外高等院校高等数学、数值分析、数字信号处理、自动控制理论以及工程应用等课程的基本教学工具。本书按逻辑编排,自始至终用实例描述;内容完整且每章相对独立;是一本简明的MATLAB参考书,既适用于初学者,也适用于高级MATLAB用户。对MATLAB与FORTRAN、C等语言结合的描述更是所有MATLAB书籍中少有的一大特色。 本书适合作为理工科高等院校研究生、本科生教学用书,也可作为广大科研工程技术人员的自学用书。
    2011-11-23 19:06:44下载
    这是一个TD-SCDMA系统的RAKE接收模型,希望对大家有用。(This is a TD-SCDMA system RAKE receiver model, we hope that the right useful.)
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