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于 2008-05-04 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  做图像轮廓提取的应该都听说果GVF这个概念,也难免有没听过的,不过可以看看这个程序(Does the image contour extraction of GVF should have heard the concept of fruit, but also inevitably have heard, but can look at this process)



0 个回复

  • Max_CCM
    用于图像配准,角点提取后采用相关系数法进行特征匹配(For image registration, corner detection using correlation coefficient method after the feature matching)
    2010-05-12 18:32:24下载
  • KNN Smoothing Filter Algorithms
    说明:  K近邻(KNN)平滑滤波器算法,包括椒盐噪声和高斯白噪声下平滑处理的结果(K-Near Neighbor (KNN) Smoothing Filter Algorithms, Including Smoothing Processing Results under Salt and Pepper Noise and Gauss White Noise)
    2019-04-12 16:10:19下载
  • Texture
    灰度共生矩阵 图像纹理特征提取 matlab语言编写(GLCM texture feature extraction matlab language)
    2011-05-14 16:56:39下载
  • VCPP-image-processing-chapter06
    VisualC++数字图像处理技术详解第2版光盘-第六章(VisualC++ digital image processing technology Detailed Version 2 CD- Chapter VI)
    2016-04-16 13:34:28下载
  • 小波变换BP,OMP,StOMP二维比较
    说明:  运用OMP、BP、StOMP及MP算法对lena图像进行重构。(Use OMP, BP, StOMP and MP algorithms to reconstruct the lena image.)
    2021-03-19 23:21:03下载
  • xb
    说明:  小波阈值去噪。对灰度图像和二值图像进行滤波。(Wavelet thresholding filter . Denoiseing for the gray image and binary image .)
    2010-04-23 14:52:02下载
  • ICA
    本文首先概述了独立成分分析与盲信号分离, 主成分分析的关系, 然后系统地介绍了该技术的基本概念和数据模型, 对现今比较流行的各种独立成分分析算法进行了剖析和总结。最后对独立成分分析的发展及应用前景作了展望(In this paper, an overview of independent component analysis and blind signal separation, principal component analysis of the relationship, and then systematically introduces the basic concept of the technology and data models for today' s more popular variety of independent component analysis algorithm is analyzed and summarized. Finally, independent component analysis of the development and application prospects are described)
    2020-11-26 11:49:31下载
  • MatlabTest
    交通视频车辆检测,实现步骤为: 1.读取视频文件 2.利用图像提取相关算法检测单帧图像中的车辆 3.车辆检测算法应用于视频图像中 4.将结果可视化(Traffic video vehicle detection, the steps of: 1. Read the video file 2. Image extracting the vehicle in a single image of the correlation algorithm detecting vehicle detection algorithm applied to the video image. Results visualization)
    2013-04-16 15:23:53下载
  • YCgCrandSVM
    基于肤色分割和SVM的人脸检测的MATLAB 代码,主要是利用YCgCr来来进行肤色建模,然后结合SVM进行检测。 希望对您有所帮助!(Based on skin color segmentation and SVM Face Detection MATLAB code, mainly used to carry out color YCgCr to model, and then tested with SVM. Want to help you!)
    2009-11-25 18:27:38下载
  • BBSD
    基于区域的空间域图像融合。先对源图像作小波分解,低频分量加权平均,高频分量用模糊C均值聚类算法进行区域分割,对区域进行基于ssim值的融合,最后小波逆变换得到融合图像。(region based spatial domain method.First do the source image wavelet decomposition low frequency components weighted average of the high frequency component using Fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm region segmentation of regional integration based ssim value, and finally fused image inverse wavelet transform)
    2016-05-20 16:27:11下载
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