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于 2010-11-12 发布 文件大小:584KB
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   本程序介绍了一种PPB滤波算法来去除图像中的加性高斯噪声,09年才提出来的新算法非常的高效,去噪效果相当好(This procedure describes a filtering algorithm to remove the image PPB in additive Gaussian noise, 09 years to put forward a new algorithm is very efficient, very good denoising effect)



........\htm" target=_blank>README,2176,2010-04-30



0 个回复

  • FCSmodel(book)
    燃料电池的simulink模型,该燃料电池的原型为Ballard Mark-700,75kw(fuel cell simulink model )
    2021-02-21 21:19:42下载
  • source_model
    盲信号分离的源信号模型,要更好的了解和利用时间序列的内在时间结构和复杂特性,通常可以采用相应的数学模型区近似描述各种类型的数据,该程序采用泛化自回归模型来产生盲源信号(Blind signal separation of the source signal model, we must better understand and leverage the structure of time series Neizai He Fuzatexing time can generally be adopted similar to the corresponding mathematical model Ou Miaoshu type of data, Gai Chengxu using generalized regression models to blind signal generated)
    2010-08-25 22:40:58下载
  • kalmanf
    This Matlab file is intended to demonstrate that the application of Kalman filters to basic linear system is quite easy and its application is optimal under certain conditions.
    2009-11-03 05:35:37下载
  • Practical-15-cases-of-Matlab
    说明:  包含Matlab十五个常用的小例子哦,菜鸟新手练手的好东东(Matlab contains a small example of 15 commonly used Oh, rookie novice practicing good hand Dongdong)
    2009-08-30 18:49:22下载
  • LMS-(2)
    自适应盲均衡技术,用matlab实现,并画出了收敛曲线图(Adaptive blind equalization)
    2015-06-05 11:12:23下载
  • shortestpath
    这个算法通过matlab仿真得到的最小生成树Prim算法(Matlab simulation of the algorithm obtained Prim minimum spanning tree algorithm)
    2009-05-21 21:10:01下载
  • msx60_model
    Ce fichier mdl permet de tracer la caractéristique pv
    2013-01-02 22:22:08下载
  • xishaoxing
    模仿人眼的视觉注意机制,以图像中的稀少点和对比度为特征,求出视觉注意点。(Mimic the human eye visual attention mechanism to image point and a contrast ratio of rare characteristics, find the point of visual attention.)
    2010-06-07 16:42:51下载
  • WTB_v3
    本程序为丹麦奥尔堡大学开发的基于Matlab/Simulink的风电专用工具箱,包含专用的风模型、电机模型、变换器及控制策略等内容,著名的风电软件DIGSILENT等软件就是基于该软件开发的。(This toolbox has been developed during the research project “Simulation Platform to model, optimize and design wind turbines” and it has been used as a general developer tool for other three simulation tools: Saber, DIgSILENT, HAWC. The report provides first a quick overview over Matlab issues and then explains the structure of the developed toolbox. The attention in the report is mainly drawn to the description of the most important mathematical models, which have been developed in the Toolbox. )
    2011-06-26 23:17:10下载
  • geneticalgorithm
    Genetic Algorithm.This program simulates the optimzation of a simple function with a base-10 genetic algorithm.Optimization proble mcan also be solved using this algorithm.
    2009-11-03 14:19:32下载
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