首页 » Visual C++ » GPIBUtility


于 2009-09-11 发布 文件大小:3879KB
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  GPIButility是ADLINK公司的GPIB驱动所带的工具软件,可以自动获得所有GPIB设备信息并可作相应的各项参数设置。(ADLINK' s GPIButility is brought GPIB driver software tool that can automatically access to all GPIB device information and can set the parameters accordingly.)


GPIB Utility

............\.....\GPIB Utility.bsc
............\.....\GPIB Utility.exe
............\.....\GPIB Utility.ilk
............\.....\GPIB Utility.obj
............\.....\GPIB Utility.pch
............\.....\GPIB Utility.pdb
............\.....\GPIB Utility.res
............\.....\GPIB Utility.sbr
............\.....\GPIB UtilityDoc.obj
............\.....\GPIB UtilityDoc.sbr
............\.....\GPIB UtilityView.obj
............\.....\GPIB UtilityView.sbr
............\GPIB Utility.aps
............\GPIB Utility.clw
............\GPIB Utility.cpp
............\GPIB Utility.dsp
............\GPIB Utility.dsw
............\GPIB Utility.h
............\GPIB Utility.ncb
............\GPIB Utility.opt
............\GPIB Utility.plg
............\GPIB Utility.rc
............\GPIB UtilityDoc.cpp
............\GPIB UtilityDoc.h
............\GPIB UtilityView.cpp
............\GPIB UtilityView.h


............\...\GPIB Utility.rc2




0 个回复

  • ClockTell
    定时通知记事本程序,用户可以设定时间及通知内容,程序后台运行,时间到后自动通知(Regularly inform the Notepad program, the user can set the time and content of the notification, the program running in the background after the time to automatically notify)
    2010-11-30 19:15:08下载
  • vplightlobe_simple
    说明:  用vs2003编程实现了vega prime中 直升机的前面大灯的灯光变化(Programming with a vega prime vs2003 helicopter in front of the headlights in the light changes)
    2011-02-18 11:29:56下载
  • aCalculator
    一个可以自由转换进制的计算器 八,十,十六,随意转换(a free conversion of 229 calculators 8, 10, 16, the casual change)
    2007-01-21 22:51:17下载
  • jisuanqi3
    这是个计算器 是和微软有区别的 大家可以(This is a calculator and Microsoft is the difference between the U.S. could have)
    2007-09-18 09:22:27下载
  • test1
    C++关于位运算的小程序,哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈(C++ bit computing on small programs, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha)
    2016-09-12 10:37:15下载
  • myTask0
    有的科技图书会附有索引,其中列出书中重要术语出现的页码,便于读者查看。试设计一个类似的程序。输入是一个英文文本文件,输出是文件中关键字及其出现的行号的列表并按照关键字有序排列。程序运行方式:>index inputfile keys outputflie (Some books will be accompanied by technology index, which lists important terms appear in the book pages, easy to readers to view. Try to design a similar procedure. English text input is a file, the output is a file that appears in the keywords and their line numbers list and ordered according to keywords. Program run mode:> index inputfile keys outputflie)
    2013-10-28 21:15:13下载
  • jisuanqi
    C++普通计算器的功能,实现整数、小数的加减乘除的算法,有退格、清空的功能。(Common calculator functions)
    2014-03-20 16:23:25下载
  • snake
    用C++实现的贪吃蛇游戏程序,对游戏的设计思路有比较详细的讲解。(no )
    2009-09-04 21:13:30下载
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    1、时间序列的ARMA(自回归移动平均)算法代码实现; 2、能用于平稳时序的分析和预测; 3、使用C/C++开发。(1、The codes relization of timeseries arma forecast method 2、Be used in analyzing and forecast in timeseries 3、Be developed by C/C++ tool.)
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