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于 2009-11-23 发布 文件大小:3KB
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  Smoothed bootstrap Newcomb s speed-of-light data are used in the book Bayesian Data Analysis b



0 个回复

  • mppz
    In matlab can do MPPZ with notchblook and indefeed hyporeness.
    2010-06-19 06:30:33下载
  • ANNcells
    Classification of cell images using artificial neural network
    2010-12-27 05:19:46下载
  • Wigner3
    线性调频信号(LFM)的维格纳分布程序,用于信号的时频分析(wigner-ville distribution,time-frequency analysis)
    2011-04-27 09:36:16下载
  • Merrien-J.-L
    Analyse numerique avec Matlab (Dunod,2007)
    2012-11-07 22:16:55下载
  • 2016.10.04GSA_SVM
    以优化SVM算法的参数c和g为例,对GSA(引力搜索算法)MATLAB源码进行了详细中文注解。是很好的学习材料。( In order to optimize SVM algorithm parameters c and g as an example, the GSA (Gravitational Search Algorithm) MATLAB source code for a detailed Chinese annotation. Is a good learning materials.)
    2020-12-07 16:49:22下载
  • BFS-algorithm-matlab
    前推回代算法matlab代码,在计算电力系统无功优化时使用的算法,很实用的(BFS algorithm matlab code, used in reactive power optimization of power system is a very practical algorithm.)
    2016-05-25 08:58:13下载
  • zhixiangxing
    直线阵自然指向性仿真,先根据设定的角频率仿真单频信号A sin(ωt);再根据阵元间距、入射角度计算得各阵元相对参考阵元接收的信号的时延 τ (dsin(θ))/c。 假设等间隔N基元线阵,入射信号是平面波,那么阵元输出信号为:S_n (t) A sin(ωt+nφ);其中 φ 2πfτ 为相邻阵元接收信号间的相位差;再将基阵各元输出求和,取最大值max,就得到输出幅度;以入射角为横坐标,幅度为纵坐标作图得直线阵自然指向性。 (Linear array directivity simulation)
    2020-12-05 14:39:24下载
  • femsrc
    用C/C++编程求解了一个有限元算例二维传热问题,可以作为有限元学习的编程实例,以更好地理解有限元理论,并为进一步使用大型有限元软件打下基础。(With C/C++ Programming to solve a finite element numerical example of two-dimensional heat transfer problems, finite element can be used as examples to learn programming in order to better understand the finite element theory, and for the further use of large-scale finite element software to lay basis.)
    2008-06-28 12:51:20下载
  • matlab
    说明:  同步电机模型的MATLAB仿真。。本文针对同步电机中具有代表性的凸极机,在忽略了一部分对误差影响较小而使算法复杂度大大增加的因素(如谐波磁势等),对其内部电流、电压、磁通、磁链及转矩的相互关系进行了一系列定量分析,建立了简化的基于abc三相变量上的数学模型,并将其进行派克变换,转换成易于计算机控制的d/q坐标下的模型。(MATLAB simulation of synchronous machine model. . Synchronous motor in this paper, salient pole machine with a representative, in the neglected part of the error is less impact on the complexity of the algorithm greatly increase the leaving of factors (such as the harmonic magnetic potential, etc.), its internal current, voltage, magnetic flux, flux and torque relationship between a series of quantitative analysis, a simplified three-phase abc variables based on the mathematical model, and the Park transformation, into easy-to-computer control of the d/q coordinate model .)
    2011-03-28 19:13:38下载
  • sc414
    解耦,恢复原信号,已经调试成功.内含m文件,可直接运行,针对EMD方法的不足。( Decoupling, restore the original signal, Has been successful debugging. M contains files can be directly run, For lack of EMD.)
    2017-03-29 20:32:05下载
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