自定义函数画图软件,软件的函数输入部分分为4部分,针对的是4个分段函数,当然也可以扩展为5段,六段,如果你的函数不用分段,那就只用在第一个edit里面写下你的函数表达式即可,同时要在后面写出x的范围,和cftool里面的custom equation一样,只能用matlab语法规范的函数表达式,即你不要写2x而是2*x,不要把我们的数学表达式和matlab表达式搞混淆了。从gif可以看出,在第一个edit输入不同的函数,有多项式函数,指数函数,三角函数,对数函数,axes都能有正确的图形,另外用其他edit配合,画出分段函数图像。因此,这可软件无论你是单个函数还是分段函数(4段以内)均可正确画出,当然还配合有grid选项,如果想保持画出的图形,无需QQ截屏,直接点保存键,将它以jpg的格式,存入到你想要存的文件夹里面。要想查对应点的函数值时,只用在edit里面输入x值,按回车就可以得到,注意x值是在范围之内的,支持结果累积,最终将以一个表格的形式显示出来,如果要想画新的图形,点击清空按键即可。(Drawing software-defined functions, the software function of the input part is divided into 4 parts, for the four sub-functions, of course, can also be extended to 5, Liu Duan, if you do not have sub-function, then only the first an edit which you can write your function expression, while the range in the back to write x, and cftool inside the custom equation, can only function with matlab syntax specification expression, but that you do not write 2x 2* x, not to our matlab mathematical expressions and expressions confused. It can be seen from the gif, in the first edit enter a different function, there polynomial functions, exponential functions, trigonometric functions, logarithmic functions, axes can have the right graphics, the other with the use of other edit, draw piecewise function image. Therefore, it can be software or whether you are single function piecewise functions (4 or less) can be correctly drawn, of course, with a grid option, if you want to keep drawing the graphics,)