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  this is matlab code cyclic 1511



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  • capacity_plot
    multiple input multiple output capacity
    2011-06-21 23:43:13下载
  • Poisson-Point-Process-in-FDM
    PPP is used in frequency division duplex to solve Interference Issue. a Poisson point process is a particular kind of random process by which a set of isolated points are scattered about a line or a plane or a three-dimensional space or any of various other sorts of spaces. Often the term Poisson process is used to mean a Poisson point process in which the space in which isolated points are randomly scattered is a line, which in many applications represents time.
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  • RMSC
    Robust Multi-View Spectral Clustering via Low-Rank and Sparse Decomposition
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  • 3D Polar Plot
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  • One-dimensional-cloud-model
    一维云模型源代码,用matlab生成,是最基本的函数,图形结果是一个正态函数。(One dimensional cloud model)
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  • practice
    Matlab practice for beginers
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  • Triangle
    Triangle.m: 2D finite element model design tool
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  • MATLAB7.x_signalprocessing
    《MATLAB7.x数字信号处理》源代码。本书面向信号处理领域,在简要介绍信号处理基本概念的基础上,详细介绍了MATLAB工具箱函数及其使用,内容涵盖了MATLAB使用基础、高级编程和重要领域的应用。在结构安排上,本书立足于信号处理各个具体领域,并结合信息处理工具箱,以大量的程序访真为依托,讲解了MATLAB在信号处理中的具体应用。 本书结构合理,内容全面,图文并茂,实例丰富,适用面广,适合信号处理、自动控制、机械电子、自动化、电力电气、通信工程等专业的本科生、研究生、教师和科技工作者阅读。可作为数学信号处理课程的参考书,对涉及数字信号处理的各大院校师生具有重要的参考价值和实用价值。("MATLAB7.x digital signal processing" source code. Writing to the field of signal processing, signal processing briefly introduced the basic concepts on the basis of Details on MATLAB toolbox function and its use, which covers the use of MATLAB basis, Advanced Programming and important fields. Structural arrangements, the book based on the signal processing specific areas, and integrate information processing toolbox a large number of the procedures for the visit to really rely on the MATLAB on signal processing in the specific application. The structure reasonable, comprehensive and illustrated examples of rich, widespread applicability, suitable for signal processing, automatic control, machinery and electronics, automation, electrical power, telecommunications and other profes)
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