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于 2020-09-11 发布 文件大小:1393KB
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  While it is perfectly alright to code a 3D environment as a long series of numbers, it becomes increasingly hard as the complexity of the environment goes up. For this reason, we must catagorize our data into a more workable fashion. At the top of our list is the sector. Each 3D world is basically a collection of sectors. A sector can be a room, a cube, or any enclosed volume. (While it is perfectly alright to code a 3D environment as a long series of numbers, it becomes increasingly hard as the complexity of the environment goes up. For this reason, we must catagorize our data into a more workable fashion. At the top of our list is the sector. Each 3D world is basically a collection of sectors. A sector can be a room, a cube, or any enclosed volume.)






0 个回复

  • Synovial
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