用BCB6.04编写的舍6入5看齐,奇进偶不进的数值修约法 根据GB8170—87《数值修约规则》[2]及GB3101—93附录B《数值修约规则》[3],修约时不能简单地采用“4舍5入”的办法。应遵循的原则是:①拟舍弃的数字的最左一位数字等于、小于4,则舍去;大于、等于6,则进1。②拟舍弃数字的最左一位数字等于5,若其右边数字并非全部为“0”时,则进1;其右边数字皆为“0”时,所拟保留的末位数字若为奇数则进1,若为偶数或“0”则不进。(BCB6.04 prepared with care in line 6 to 5, Ki Jin Jin does not even repair some of the numerical method in accordance with GB8170-87 Numerical revision of the rules [2] and GB3101-93 Appendix B Numerical revision of the rules [3], when revision can not simply use 4 homes 5 in approach. Should follow the principle is: ① to give up most of the figures, a figure equivalent to the left, less than 4, then rounding greater than, equal to 6, then enter 1. ② figures to be the most left-up a digital equivalent to 5, if not all of the right figure for the 0 , then enter 1 its right figures are 0 when the bottom of the figures to be retained if it is an odd number into 1, if an even number or 0 does not enter.)