说明: 光伏并网逆变器,阳光电源,测试部设计,有待修改
(pv grid inverter,sungrow,test dept desigen)
- 2011-04-11 11:48:49下载
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Sequence fourier code
- 2012-03-27 16:19:44下载
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fullbridge rectifier
- 2014-10-27 18:53:03下载
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Active Inductor current balancing for multiphase buck-boost converter
- 2012-10-30 20:42:39下载
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ARIMA与RBF复合模型在设备运行状态趋势预测中的应用(ARIMA and RBF complex model equipment running trend prediction)
- 2013-12-25 18:48:22下载
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Solving DDEs with Matlab
利用matlab求解时滞微分方程。常微分方程(ODE)和延迟微分方程(DDE)被用来描述许多有趣的现象。 虽然ODE包含依赖于自变量(“时间”)的当前值的解决方案的衍生物,但DDE还包含衍生物,其依赖于前一时间的解决方案。 在整个科学模型中出现了DDE [1]。 尽管ODE和DDE之间存在明显的相似性,但DDE问题的解决方案可能与ODE问题的解决方案在几个引人注目的重要方面存在差异[2] [20]。 这部分是因为缺乏用于解决DDE的通用软件。(Solving Delay Differential Equations with dde32)
- 2018-04-21 11:01:06下载
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计算延迟时间t和嵌入维数m的matlab程序,该程序为转载,用于计算洛伦兹函数的程序(Calculate the delay time t and the embedding dimension m matlab program, the program is reproduced, the procedure used to calculate the Lorentz function
- 2012-03-23 14:42:25下载
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Matlab实例(Matlab examples)
- 2005-02-01 20:48:05下载
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Line codes of polar codes for n=8
- 2013-01-13 08:40:27下载
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这个matlab程序实现了Edge Linking and Line Segment Fitting,解压后直接运行demo.m就可以了
edgelink.m edge linking function that forms lists of connected edge points from a binary edge image. (Needs findendsjunctions and cleanedgelist below).
drawedgelist.m plots out a set of edge lists generated by edgelink or lineseg.
edgelist2image.m transfers edgelist data back into a 2D image array.
lineseg.m forms straight line segments fitted with a specified tolerance to the lists of connected edge points.
maxlinedev.m is also used by lineseg.m to calculate deviations of the edge lists from the fitted segments.
findendsjunctions.m finds line junctions and endings in a line/edge image.
cleanedgelist.m cleans up a set of edge lists generated by edgelink or lineseg so that isolated edges and spurs that are shorter than a minimum length are removed.)
- 2010-07-14 12:04:33下载
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