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于 2010-11-06 发布 文件大小:285KB
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  高分辨率的图像重构经过稀释的表示的算法及其实现(Said high-resolution reconstruction of the diluted)



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  • liziqunMATLAB
    边缘检测 的 matlab粒子群程序 ,希望对你有所帮助(Edge Detection Matlab PSO procedures, and I hope to help you)
    2007-05-10 12:36:34下载
  • distribution-network-
    分布式电源接入配电网的不确定性分析基于matlab(Analysis of distributed generation access to distribution network uncertainty)
    2021-01-07 13:18:53下载
  • matlab-sift.zip
    matlab程序,解决sift算法对图像特征点的检测,描述和匹配,特征点个数的计算以及程序运行时间,可与其他算法做比较,直接修改参数即可运行(matlab for image matching,include the time and the number of the interest points)
    2015-04-22 09:37:08下载
  • TVL1_HCS_v1
    TVL1重建从混合压缩采样,rice大学泊松分布图像重建与全变分正规化的代码(Note: (1)Fore small-scale data, hybrid sampling consists of Bernoulli random sampling and low-resolution sampling (TVL1_HCS) (1)Fore large-scale data, hybrid sampling consists of Fourier radial sampling and low-frequency sampling (TV_RecPF) Copyright (C) 2010 Xianbiao Shu, Computer Vision and Robotics Lab, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Acknowledgement: RecPF (Rice University) PDCO (Stanford University) Twister (MIT) Reference: X. Shu, N. Ahuja, Hybrid Compressive Sampling via a New Total Variation TVL1, In Proceedings of ECCV 2010. Usage: >> run_me_first >>[Im_rec, PSNR_est1,PSNR_est2] = TVL1L2_HCS_test( Ball1_32.bmp , 0.35,3) >>[Im_rec, PSNR_est1,PSNR_est2] = TVL1L2_HCS_test( Ball1_32.bmp , 0.35,3) >>[Im_rec, PSNR1, PSNR2, G_error, Ratio] = TV_RecPF_test( Chest.png , 5, 10, 0, 1e-10, 0) )
    2011-04-20 22:47:01下载
  • FOChS
    说明:  matlab程序模拟微分方程。各种流行的系统显示混沌运动特征。(This toolbox contains the functions which can be used to simulate some of the well-known fractional order chaotic systems, such as: - Chen s system, - Arneodo s system, - Genesio-Tesi s system, - Lorenz s system, - Newton-Leipnik s system, - Rossler s system, - Lotka-Volterra system, - Duffing s system, - Van der Pol s oscillator, - Volta s system, - Lu s system, - Liu s system, - Chua s systems, - Financial system, - 3 cells CNN. The functions numerically compute a solution of the fractional nonlinear differential equations, which describe the chaotic system. Each function returns the state trajectory (attractor) for total simulation time. )
    2010-05-01 03:35:42下载
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    卡尔曼滤波轨迹跟踪target tracking using kalman(target tracking using kalman)
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  • bjpml
    地震波的加pml边界的正演模拟程序,震源在中心,向四周扩散。(Plus pml boundary of the seismic wave forward modeling program source in the center to the edges.)
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  • AMESimMatlab
    本文介绍了 AMESim/ Matlab联合仿真的接口问题,利用两个仿真软件的各自优点应用在单向阀结构的优化设计中(The Interface of AMESim and Matlab is discussed in the paper . As an applied example, Opt imization Design of Check Valve is show n.)
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  • PilotAssistedWirelessTransmissions
    无线衰落信道下MIMO_OFDM系统的信道估计算法研究,较新的文章(wireless fading channel MIMO_OFDM the channel estimation algorithm research, the newer article)
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