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于 2009-05-01 发布 文件大小:15KB
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  离散系统Z域分析 实验步骤: 主界面下进入实验六的“离散系统Z域分析”,输入分子多项式的系数向量 按照 z 降幂的顺序输入,如:,输入为。 输入分母多项式的系数向量,按照 z 降幂的顺序输入。 鼠标单击确定按钮,显示系统函数的幅频特性曲线,相频特性曲线。(Z-domain analysis of discrete-time systems experimental steps: the main interface into the six experiments the " Z-domain analysis of discrete-time systems" , enter the coefficient of polynomial vector elements z in accordance with the descending order of power input, such as:, input. Denominator polynomial coefficients input vector, z in accordance with the order of descending input power. Mouse click OK button, and display system function curve of amplitude-frequency characteristics, phase-frequency characteristic curve.)



0 个回复

  • c_inference_ver2.2
    toolbox for fault detection
    2011-12-15 22:24:19下载
  • 单纯型法
    单纯型法程序,很基础,很方便学习单纯型法(Simplex method procedure, very basic, very convenient to learn simplex method)
    2019-06-18 13:05:48下载
  • PMLSM_PI_byzmt
    建立了PMLSM的本体模型,采用SVPWM的id=0矢量控制,可通过简单修改变为PMSM。(The ontology model of PMLSM is established, and the id=0 vector control of SVPWM can be changed into PMSM by simple modification.)
    2018-03-11 23:30:06下载
  • matlab-simulink
    基于模型的设计 利用tlc编写设备驱动代码用于代码自动生成(Tlc to write device driver code for automatic code generation model-based design)
    2012-06-01 21:23:05下载
  • raimwenzhang
    RAIM即接收机自主完好性,在航天领域有着重要的作用,本文章主要对其基本算法进行描述,读者可根据其来进行matlab编程实现。(That RAIM Receiver Autonomous Integrity, plays an important role in the aerospace industry, this paper mainly described its basic algorithm, the reader can be realized in accordance with its program for matlab.)
    2021-04-15 15:08:54下载
  • MultipathandDopplerEffectsandModels
    一份英文的讲义,讲述了在多径条件下多普勒频移对无线通信的影响。并对各种条件用MATLAB进行了仿真。(An English lecture, described the conditions in the multi-path Doppler frequency shift of the impact of wireless communications. Various conditions and conducted a simulation using MATLAB.)
    2008-04-04 10:38:38下载
  • Strives-for-the-PI
    求PI的值,根据莱布尼茨公式求PI,PI=4*(1-1/3+1/5-1/7+1/9-1/11+……(PI uated, find PI, PI= 4* (1-1/3+1/5-1/7+1/9-1/11+ Leibniz formula based on ......)
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  • broadband-signal-line-antenna
    通过设定信号和阵源参数,以及阵列相位误差、阵列幅度误差,对阵列输出相关矩阵进行特征分解,生成宽带信号(By setting the parameter of the signal and the array source, as well as the the array phase error, the array amplitude error characteristic decomposition of the correlation matrix of the array output, and generating a wideband signal)
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  • 51e19f5181a0815207565a62cb90d5b50198c22d
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  • WiMAX_module-1.02
    Its the source code for implementing WIMAX in NS-2
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