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于 2010-11-04 发布 文件大小:1123KB
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  这个listgai程序可以实现在程序运行通过单击滚动栏目内容进行选择拦目内容,也可以双击栏目内空通过询问是否删除选中内容(This listgai program can be run in part by clicking the scroll bar to select the contents of project content, you can double-click an empty section in the content by asking whether to delete the selected)



0 个回复

  • DataPro
    采用MFC框架,输入相应函数,画出函数曲线(Draw the curves according to the function you put in.)
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  • N9020-90112
    安捷伦X系列频谱仪编程手册,包括N9030A、N9020A、N9010A、N9000A、N9038A等型号(Agilent X-Series Signal Analyzer Programmer s Guide N9030A、N9020A、N9010A、N9000A、N9038A)
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  • EF
    终极火力透视上色辅助外挂源码完整编译可用效果不是很好~~(The ultimate source of firepower perspective color complete compilation available auxiliary plug-in effect is not very good ~ ~)
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  • VCexample
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  • 16
    说明:  Visual C++安例开发集锦,多媒体应用,实现用playsound播放声音文件(Visual C++ development highlights security cases, multimedia applications, to achieve the sound file plays with playsound)
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  • VLCDemo
    MFC调用VLC的动态库libvlc.dll实现简单播放器,支持播放、暂停、停止、进度显示和进度控制、声音控制、支持中文路径的文件名字。VC6.0环境,可直接运行。(MFC calls VLC dynamic library libvlc.dll simple player, play, pause, stop, schedule display and schedule control, sound control, support Chinese path of the file name. VC6.0 environment, can be directly run.)
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  • MultiADReadDemo
    研华采集卡多通道AD读取程序,VC6下测试通过。(Advantech multi-channel AD acquisition card reader, VC6 under test.)
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  • 24234464biandianzhan
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    可以简化obj,ply等三维模型,1:在VC++2008上运行oglpemsh.dsw 文件 2:选择要简化的模型,eg:huge_bunny.ply 3:选择简化 (Mesh Simplification Viewer This program implements four different mesh simplification algorithms. After loading a mesh, the user can easily remove triangles from the mesh and the results are displayed in real time. The mesh can also be rotated and moved closer to or farther away from the viewer. The goal of mesh simplification is to display a 3D polygonal mesh with fewer triangles while retaining the same shape. In the example above, the original cow model (upper left) is made up of over 5800 triangles. We can easily remove thousands of triangles from this mesh and still display a very similar cow model. While the 500 triangle cow is a cruder representation, this may not make a difference if the cow is far away from the viewer. )
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