Exellent Introduction to Statistics Toolbox 对matlab Statistics Toolbox的非常棒的demo (Exellent Introduction to Statistics Toolbox demo/M-Files: closeDTool.m Force close DFITTOOL (without confirmation dialog) createCarDatabase.m Creates dataset array from Excel file and converts appropriate variables to categorical arrays FuelEconomyAnalysis.m Main analysis script for publishing loadData.m Load all data in directory and create a single dataset modelMPG.m Creates model for MPG based on filter parameters myDistFit.m Distribution fit for MPG (auto-generated, not used in demo) myPlot.m Custom plot for plotting model MPG vs. actual MPG simMPG.m Simulate the model with parameters demo/Excel (.xls) Files: 00dat.xls Fuel economy data for the year 2000 01dat.xls Fuel economy data for the year 2001 02dat.xls Fuel economy data for the year 2002 03dat.xls Fuel economy data for)