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于 2009-11-16 发布 文件大小:456KB
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  关于bootstrap的经典文献一篇,这是Introduction to the Practice of Statistics第五版中第14章。(The classic literature on the bootstrap one, which is Introduction to the Practice of Statistics in the fifth edition of Chapter 14.)



0 个回复

  • ria_PMF3
    a sparse implementation of the Levenberg Marquadt algorithm for the PARAFAC model and a multi-way incomplete data generator for Matlab.
    2010-06-10 11:38:42下载
  • xinhao
    应用matlab应用平台信号采集程序设计与整理。(Application matlab application platform signal acquisition program design and finishing.)
    2008-05-20 13:33:02下载
  • GAthesis2
    这是matlab遗传算法的优秀论文,绝对对大家有用。 我也在用,给大家分享。(This is an excellent genetic algorithm matlab thesis absolutely useful to everyone. I also used to share with you all.)
    2009-07-20 21:16:08下载
  • 06480907
    2014-01-27 10:36:01下载
  • Fresnel
    Fresnel函数计算相对折射率所面临的问题是计算量较大,利用实测数据计算散射系数并作图显示结果(Fresnel function by calculating the relative refractive index is a calculation of the problems faced by large, using the measured scattering coefficient data and mapping the result will be displayed)
    2009-04-19 14:43:36下载
  • communication
    在无线信道的理论基础上,分析了Suzuki信道模型的结构原理,介绍了利用正弦波叠加法构成高斯序列,从而建立Suzuki信道数学模型的方法,并通过Matlab软件对其进行了仿真。(In the theory of radio channel based on the analysis of Suzuki channel model structure principle, describes the use of sine wave superposition method constitutes a Gaussian sequence, thereby establishing a channel model Suzuki method, and through its simulation Matlab software.)
    2013-10-31 23:39:00下载
  • challenge_pk
    Metronome using SimMechanics matlab
    2014-01-25 15:58:51下载
  • SpeedRegulationSystemResearchofMiningElectricLocom
    矿用电机车电控系统有两种,一种是有触点的电控系统,另一种是脉冲调速系统。以晶闸管为主要元件的脉冲调速系统在矿用电机车中仍大量使用。晶闸管属于半控型器件,其控制极只能控制开通而不能控制其关断,在低速运行时,晶闸管一经导通后,如果不能根据需要关断,则电动机承受全部电压而失去控制,电机车全速运行。本文利用MATLAB软件对矿用电机车晶闸管脉冲调速系统的主电路进行建模并仿真,对影响安全运行的关键元器件进行了详细的分析。仿真结果表明晶闸管脉冲调速系统存在安全隐患。随着电子工业的飞速发展,一种新型的全控型电力器件(绝缘门极晶体管IGBT)开始在工业中得到广泛的应用,脉冲调速电控系统如采用全控型电力器件代替半控型元器件(晶闸管),将会大大简化控制电路。由于控制电路简单,便于实现数字化控制。本文对IGBT的调速原理进行分析,采用IGBT和集成PWM脉宽调制器SG3525为主要元件,设计出了双闭环可逆自动调速系统,并对该系统进行实验验证,实验结果表明该系统优于晶闸管直流调速系统,而且运行稳定,可以很方便实现可逆运行。(Mine electric locomotive electronic control system has two types of electronic control system with contacts, and the other is the pulse speed control system. The pulse thyristor as the main component in the mining electric locomotive speed control system is still widely used. A semi-controlled thyristor type devices, the control can only control a very open and can not control the turn-off, in the low speed, the thyristor turn-on once, if not turned off as needed, then the loss of the motor under full voltage control, motor vehicle running at full speed. In this paper, MATLAB software mining electric locomotive speed control system pulse thyristor main circuit modeling and simulation, the key components of the safe operation of a detailed analysis. Simulation results show that the thyristor pulse control system security weaknesses. With the rapid development of the electronics industry, a new full-controlled power devices (Insulated Gate Transistor IGBT) began to be widely used in indu)
    2010-12-24 13:40:45下载
  • Simulink3
    说明:  simulink 讲解了simulink的主要功能,比较详细(simulink)
    2009-07-31 00:14:07下载
  • pxc3891007
    It is about matlab which depicts brain image segmentation
    2013-11-21 20:52:06下载
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