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于 2010-10-31 发布 文件大小:144KB
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  A 10th order FIR system, excited by a sum of 5 sinusoids. Assume any numeric values for system coefficients and input signal parameters. The output of the system is corrupted by Gaussian observation noise with zero mean and variance 2 σ v (consider 2 σ v = 0.1 and 1). The estimator has access to the input and noise corrupted output of the system. However, the estimator has no knowledge about the system order, its coefficient values and observation noise variance.



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  • sample2
    最大熵法与Welch法估计的功率谱的比较。 多信号分类法估计的功率谱。 (Maximum entropy method and Welch' s power spectrum estimation comparison. Classification of multi-signal power spectrum estimate.)
    2009-02-04 23:10:50下载
  • 4
    说明:  模糊C聚类算法的实现,用matlab作为开发环境(FcM matlab)
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  • demonsration-of-DF
    用软件实现的滤波器,基于matlab,包含源文件和项目设计的论文和报告(DF based on matlab)
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  • ISCISC_2012_format_english
    this document is about of splicing detection of image
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  • bizhifa
    基于多频(三频)的离散频谱校正,应用比值法,加矩形窗和汉宁窗。(Discrete spectrum correction based on the multi-frequency (C-band), the application of the ratio method, plus a rectangular window and Hanning window.)
    2012-10-23 21:44:54下载
  • chizhi
    画出地貌地形图,熟悉各个matlab语句的掌握与运用,掌握运用插值函数的调用格式,对各种调用函数的格式语句要能够熟练的应用(Draw terrain map, master and use the MATLAB statement, master the use of interpolation function call forms, application format statement of a function call to be able to )
    2013-12-25 14:36:19下载
  • eight-puzzle
    . The 8-puzzle problem is a puzzle invented and popularized by Noyes Palmer Chapman in the 1870s. It is played on a 3-by-3 grid with 8 square blocks labeled 1 through 8 and a blank square. Your goal is to rearrange the blocks so that they are in order. You are permitted to slide blocks horizontally or vertically into the blank square. The following shows a sequence of legal moves from an initial board position (left) to the goal position (right).
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  • nouv1
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  • image-construction-by-fft-and-wt
    傅里叶变换和小波变换重建图像的比较效果,这个程序可以用来实现四个要求:1、FFT和WT重建效果比较;2、通过改变小波来比较重建效果;3、通过改变分解层数来比较重建效果;4、通过改变大系数个数来比较重建效果。其中还有一个计算PSNR的程序(the comparative effect of reconstruction image by Fourier transform and wavelet transform 。 the program can be used to achieve the four requirements: 1, FFT, and WT reconstruction effect 2, by changing the wavelet to compare the reconstruction effect 3, by changing the decomposition layers to compare the reconstruction effect 4, by changing the number of large coefficient of comparative reconstruction results. Including a procedure of calculating PSNR )
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