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于 2009-11-13 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  电磁数值等效在二维散射中的应用,是一个m文件(Magnetic field integral equation for 2-D cylinder scattering)



0 个回复

  • MATLAB_programming_language_Visual_Electronics_Tut
    可视化MATLAB编程语言电子教程MATLAB programming language Visual Electronics Tutorial(Electronic Visualization MATLAB programming language tutorial MATLAB programming language Visual Electronics Tutorial)
    2010-08-03 10:42:40下载
  • readpgm
    该matlab函数可以在matlab环境下读取pgm文件(To read the file of pgm format)
    2009-12-12 23:26:30下载
  • RS_code_decode
    RS纠错编码原理及其实现方法[第三版] 鉴于很多读者来信,特别是初学者对于如何求得RS生成多项式g[x]不是甚理解,特给出计算g[x]的MATLAB程序。(RS error-correcting coding theory and implementation methods [third edition] in view of a lot of letters from readers, especially for beginners on how to get RS to generate polynomial g [x] is not even understanding, give special calculation of g [x] in MATLAB procedures.)
    2009-02-28 13:42:15下载
  • publicationdtl
    S u r f e r自动控制技术在气象资料 自动成图中的应用 (Ab s t r a c t : The ma i n f un c t i o n s o f Su r fe r s o f t wa r e,Ac t i v e X a u t o ma t i o n t e c h ni q ue a nd t he i n t e r fa c e o f VB a p p l i c a t i o n a n d S u r fe r a r e i nt r o— d u c e d i n t h i s p a p e r .I t i s a l s o i n t r o d u c e d h o w t o c o mb i n e t h e s t r o n g a b i l i t y o f d e v e l o p me n t u s i n g VB s o f t wa re a n d t he s t r o n g ma p p i n g i n Su r f e r b a s e d o n t he i n t e r fa c e.a nd t he k e y pr og r a m t o C a / T y o u t t h e i nt e r fa c e t e c hn i q u e a nd a c a s e o f a p pl i c a t i o n a ut o ma t i c ma p pi n g a r e pr e s e n t e d. )
    2010-02-26 13:37:35下载
  • GN_FN
    复杂网络社团结构划分算法里最经典的GN算法和FN算法的实现原码(Community structure of complex networks division algorithm in the most classic GN algorithm and the algorithm to achieve the original code FN)
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  • 遗传优化向量机
    说明:  通过优化的遗传算法来优化支持向量机的参数,很好用。(The parameters of support vector machine are optimized by optimized genetic algorithm, which is very useful.)
    2020-09-23 15:47:53下载
  • Tpowerfloowr
    潮流程序,多初学入门者很好使,,分了多个模块,每个模块均有说明 (Trend of the program, more than the novice beginners to very good make, and divided into multiple modules, each module has a description of)
    2012-06-08 19:06:31下载
  • zernike_k
    任意阶zernike多项式的计算,在进行波前拟合时可调用(Zernike any order polynomial terms, during the fitting can be called wavefront)
    2010-12-08 10:31:39下载
  • pso530
    粒子群优化算法(PSO)是一种进化计算技术(evolutionary computation),由Eberhart博士和kennedy博士于1995年提出 (Kennedy J,Eberhart R. Particle swarm optimization.Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks.1995.1942~1948.)。源于对鸟群捕食的行为研究。粒子群优化算法的基本思想是通过群体中个体之间的协作和信息共享来寻找最优解. (Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is an evolutionary computation techniques (evolutionary co mputation) by Dr. Eberhart and kennedy Dr. raised in 1995 (Kennedy, J., Eberhart R. Particle swarm optimization.Proc eedings of the IEEE International Conference o n Neural Networks.1995.1942 ~ 1948.) . From the flock of the predatory behavior. PSO algorithm is the basic idea of individual groups through the sharing of information and collaboration to find the optimal solution.)
    2006-09-08 15:19:54下载
  • matlab_shipin
    MATLAB基础入门视频,里面含有两个,可以帮助第一次接触matlab的人快速入门(MATLAB introductory video, which contains two, can help people first contact Quick Start matlab)
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