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于 2010-10-29 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  实现一个函数编写的程序,通过符号计算求出f函数的导数 (Written procedures to implement a function, obtained by symbolic computation function, the derivative of f)



0 个回复

  • docsis_config
    configuracion de archivos docsis
    2013-12-11 07:26:30下载
  • DS_uwb_program
    有关DS-UWB的完整的matlab程序.(the DS-UWB the integrity of Matlab procedures.)
    2007-05-11 00:30:02下载
  • wq322
    这个有中文注释,看得明白,小波包分析提取振动信号中的特征频率,数值分析的EULER法。( The Chinese have a comment, understand it, Wavelet packet analysis to extract vibration signal characteristic frequency, EULER numerical analysis method.)
    2017-04-23 17:26:50下载
  • tform_Lidar
    README.TXT (this file) CLOUD_ARRAY.TIF is a synthetic test image. It contains a 5x5 pattern of identical, regularly-spaced cartoon clouds. This represents an ideal field of view in XY coordinates in order to study the effect of scanner field of view distortion. MODEL_LIDAR_AND_VALIDATE_TFORM.M is the MATLAB program. NOTE: This is a function M-file with a number of subfunctions inside. Refer to the comment lines for detailed explanation of how the program works.( Some images are geometrically distorted due to optics others due to nonuniform or curvelinear scan coordinates. Such distortions can be corrected using spatial transformations given the governing distortion geometry. This program demonstrates how to correct for nonuniform polar scan distortion using spatial transforms in MATLAB with the Image Processing Toolbox 3.1.)
    2009-12-03 17:19:13下载
  • ASK
    简单的ASK调制,使用simulink实现功能(Simple ASK modulation functions using simulink)
    2012-05-08 15:17:47下载
  • K_average
    K-均值聚类算法,基本算法代码,算法的目的是使各个样本与所在类均值的误差平方和达到最小。(The purpose of K-means clustering algorithm, the basic algorithm code, the algorithm is to make the class where each sample mean squared error is minimized.)
    2014-06-09 11:24:36下载
  • wendu
    温度测量仿真应用,主要是利用仿真软件matlab进行仿真(Temperature measurement simulation applications, mainly using simulation software Matlab simulation)
    2012-11-10 00:46:59下载
  • step_10m
    system identification achieved for data sampled at 10 ms through m file
    2010-06-21 20:32:23下载
  • MATLAB数据分析与挖掘实战
    说明:  本书作者从实践出发,结合大量数据挖掘工程案例及教学经验,以真实案例为主线,深入浅出地介绍数据挖掘建模中的有关任务:数据挖掘、数据预处理、分类与预测、聚类分析、时序预测、关联规则挖掘、智能推荐、偏差预测等。(The author of this book starts from practice, combines a large number of data mining engineering cases and teaching experience, and uses real cases as the main line to explain the relevant tasks in data mining modeling in simple terms: data mining, data preprocessing, classification and prediction, cluster analysis, Preliminary prediction, association rule mining, intelligent recommendation, bias prediction, etc.)
    2019-12-15 15:45:35下载
  • fastica
    FastICA Code. Independent Component Analysis code for signal extraction
    2010-07-09 19:18:16下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104509会员总数
  • 10今日下载