包中包括, DW8051完整的Verilog HDL代码 两本手册: DesignWare Library DW8051 MacroCell, Datasheet DesignWare DW8051 MacroCell Databook 三篇51论文: 基于IP 核的PSTN 短消息终端SoC 软硬件协同设计 Embedded TCP/ IP Chip Based on DW8051 Core 以8051为核的SOC中的万年历的设计 (DW8051 is designed by synopsys, and its instruction cycle is 4 clock, which lead to about 3 times faster than Intel 8051 with the same oscillator frequency. I writed ram, rom, some other perpherals such as DES, RNG, and its testbench, and it worked all right!)