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于 2008-04-09 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  仿真程序模拟产生理想点目标的回波,并采用频域相关方法(以便利用FFT)实现脉冲压缩。(Simulation program simulated the ideal point target echo, and the use of frequency-domain correlation method (to take advantage of FFT) to achieve pulse compression.)





0 个回复

  • movingaveragefilter
    implementation of the moving average filter
    2010-03-08 05:21:50下载
  • mmse_siso
    mmse algorithm in ofdm matlab code
    2012-04-24 21:17:40下载
  • mangyuanfenli
    主程序为mybss.m和fastica1.m。经过调试能够成功运行,和lmd一起使用效果不错,可以实现各频率的分离。(The main program is mybss.m and fastica1.m. After debugging can be run successfully, and lmd use with good results, the separation can be achieved for each frequency.)
    2013-12-19 21:05:06下载
  • counter
    本例源代码文件由用户按照书中的操作步骤自己生成,“Example-2-1Project_Navigator_Demo源代码”目录下为源代码的参考文件。“Example-2-1Project_Navigator_Democounter”目录下为完整的工程,包括源代码文件、综合与实现的结果文件、ISE工程文件等,可以使用ISE工程管理器打开工程,供读者参考(In this case the source code files by the user in accordance with the steps the book itself is generated, "Example-2-1 Project_Navigator_Demo source" directory as the source code reference document. "Example-2-1 Project_Navigator_Demo counter" directory for a complete project, including source code files, integrated with the realization of the outcome document, ISE project file, etc. You can use ISE Project Manager, open the project for the reader is referred to)
    2009-09-19 13:53:10下载
  • MATLABMfileuseDSP
    matlab进行数字信号处理.经典最常用到的一些模块...对学数字信号的肯定有很大帮助...(matlab digital signal processing. The most commonly used in some of the classic ... of learning modules of the digital signal must be of great help ...)
    2009-07-21 16:53:09下载
  • musictest
    信号处理作业,高斯白噪声,信噪比对music法分辨力的影响(Signal processing and Gaussian white noise, signal to noise ratio on the resolution of the music France)
    2012-06-05 17:02:25下载
  • log10(x)
    Fixed-point base-2 logarithm (DW_log2) // Computes the base-2 logarithm of a fixed point value in the // range [1,2).
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    通过贝叶斯决策,测试给定的一组数据(身高/体重)来判断是男生还是女生。(Through Bayesian decision, given a set of test data (height/weight) to determine if a guy or girl.)
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