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于 2009-11-09 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  a matlab .m file describing a function acts as high pass filtr on an image



0 个回复

  • shangzhifa
    根据信息熵建立分配模型,接着用熵值法进行合理分配的程序(Established based on information entropy distribution model, followed by entropy reasonable allocation procedures)
    2014-08-18 22:56:30下载
  • system
    ieee 39 bus test system (New England Test System) in MATLAB/SimPowerSystem
    2020-09-29 00:47:46下载
  • Centre-of-Gravity
    find the center of gravity of speech singal.
    2013-11-09 22:31:39下载
  • music_two
    述是经典MUSIC算法的基本原理,许多限制是可以放宽或取消的。首先,关于均匀线阵的限制不是必须的,实际中可采用几乎是任意形状的阵列形式,只要满足在个独立信号源的条件下,矩阵具有个线性无关的列就可以了。其次,天线阵元在观测平面内无方向性这一点也不是必要的,而且还可以考虑三维空间的DOA估计问题,即不仅估计信号的方位角,还要估计它的俯仰角,当然MUSIC算法还用于频率、方位和俯仰的联合估计。(Above is the basic principle of the classical MUSIC algorithm, a number of restrictions can be relaxed or canceled. First, restrictions on ULA is not necessary, the actual form of an array can be almost any shape, as long as the signal source in the independent condition matrix has linearly independent columns on it. Second, the antenna elements in a plane non-directional observation it is not necessary, but could also be considered DOA estimation of three-dimensional space, that is not only estimated azimuth signals, but also to estimate its pitch angle, of course, also MUSIC algorithm joint estimation for the frequency, the azimuth and elevation.)
    2016-03-19 10:10:45下载
  • The-aircraft-simulation-parameters
    建立飞行器在大气模型下的六个参数(经度变化、纬度变化、距离地心距离、速度、航迹倾斜角和航迹方位角)在180秒内的修正变化情况(Build six The aircraft under atmospheric model parameters (longitude change, latitude, distance geocentric distance, speed, track and track azimuth angle of inclination) correction within 180 seconds of the change in circumstances)
    2015-03-16 09:25:45下载
  • simulink-OFDM
    这是一个相对完整的OFDM通信系统的仿真设计,包括编码,调制,IFFT,上下变频,高斯信道建模,FFT,PAPR抑制,各种同步,解调和解码等模块,并统括系统性能的仿真验证了系统设计的可靠性。(This is a relatively complete simulation of OFDM communication system design, including coding, modulation, IFFT, down conversion, Gaussian channel model, FFT, PAPR suppression, various synchronization, demodulation and decoding modules and system performance omnibus simulation system design reliability.)
    2014-04-22 18:51:33下载
  • largestRectangleArea
    计算区域中心及最大面积切割程序,matlab版(Calculation of regional centers and the largest area of cutting process, matlab version)
    2009-04-22 18:19:47下载
  • myfun
    将矩形图通过极坐标变换转换成笛卡尔坐标系上的圆形图(The rectangle by polar coordinates transformation into a cartesian coordinate system on the circular diagram )
    2014-05-05 15:16:50下载
  • suzuki_fading
    suzuki模型matlab仿真,给大家参考参考(suzuki model matlab simulation, for everyone to refer to the reference)
    2011-01-20 16:38:57下载
  • db2
    一个很小的小波分解和重构的程序,很简单,适合出血泽学习(A small wavelet decomposition and reconstruction process is very simple, suitable for bleeding Ze learning)
    2013-11-06 14:51:15下载
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